www.email-lists.org mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on www.email-lists.org. Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to mailman@email-lists.org.)

List Description
999nhs 999 Call for the NHS - News
999nhs-coordinators 999 Co Ordinator conversation
999nhs-runners 999 Call for the NHS - News for Runners
AAA Artists Against Austerity
addison-house-committee Addison House Committee Email List
Adhub Advocacy Hub members
alt-sheff-news News from Alt-Sheff, the alternative guide to Sheffield
Alt-sheff-organising-group List for members of the collective running Alt-Sheff.org website.
ask-sheffield Art and Soul Kollective, Sheffield
B-roads B Roads Street Party List
Bins BINS Photo album
CADOS Campaign Against the Deportation of Odette Sefuko
Cash-board [no description available]
Cash-communication-circle [no description available]
Cash-development-circle [no description available]
Cash-finance-circle [no description available]
Cash-governance-circle [no description available]
Cash-inclusive-coops [no description available]
Cash-members [no description available]
Cash-newsletter [no description available]
Cash-outreach-engagement-circle [no description available]
Childspace This is an email list for Childspace, a parent-run cooperative.
Coopfortnight [no description available]
Cotech-call [no description available]
Ebook-society for authors users and publisgers of digital publications
Ecodissident Updates about about Ecological and Dissident Hosting
Elderton [no description available]
esocialaction Technology and Social Action
Everybodyorchestra Everybodyorchestra
fmbs Friends of Meersbrook Bank School
freearchitecture Applying the ideas and methods of the Free software movement to Architecture.
Hazelhurst-Customers Hazelhurst CSA Customers
Hazelhurst-Members Hazelhurst Co-operative Members
Hazelhurst-Newsletter Hazelhurst News
Hazelhurst-Shareholders Hazelhurst CSA Shareholders Email List
Hazelhurst-Volunteers Hazelhurst CSA Volunteers Email List
ifwea-bulletin IFWEA Bulletin Mailing List
ifwea-ecmembers [no description available]
LabCoop Horizontal Communication List for Co-operative Labour Party Members
meersbrook-house Meersbrook community list to discuss the future of Meersbrook House
meersbrook-park Meersbrook Park Users Trust Announcements List
occupy-narrative Occupy Narrative - UK website development discussion
OccupyBirmingham Occupy Bimingham
OccupyBirminghamPrivate Occupy Birmingham Private
OccupyComms Occupy Communications
OccupyCommsPrivate Occupy Communications Private
OccupyGlasgow Updates from Occupy Glasgow General Assembly
OccupySheffield Occupy Sheffield Discussion List
OccupySheffieldNews News from Occupy Sheffield
OccupySheffieldPrivate Occupy Sheffield Private Discussion List
OccupySheffieldTech Occupy Sheffield Tech Email List
OccupyWiki OccupyWiki.org.uk Discussion List
olsx-tech OccupyLSX Tech
OTJC-announcements Orgeave Truth and Justice Campaign Announcements List
OTJC-media Orgeave Truth and Justice Campaign Media List
OTJC-private Orgeave Truth and Justice Campaign Private List
OTJC-supporters Orgeave Truth and Justice Campaign Supporters
ourfloss [no description available]
robdawber Rob Dawber memorial list.
SCDG Sheffield Communist Discussion Group
SCF Stocksbridge Community Forum Web Dev
SCPB-Members Sheffield Co-operative Party Branch Members
SCR Sheffield Renewables
SCR-CoreVolunteers SCR Core Volunteers
SCR-Members Sheffield Community Renewables : Members
Scr-members2 Members from New Share Offer Nov.2016
SCR-Potential-Investors [no description available]
servers-coop servers.coop announcements
Sfc-announce [no description available]
sfc-discuss Students For Co-operation discussions
Sfcdemocracy [no description available]
Sfceducationsupport [no description available]
Sfcevents [no description available]
Sfcitcomms [no description available]
Sfcstaff [no description available]
Sfcupdate [no description available]
Sheffdarkmtn [no description available]
sheffield-coops Discussion list for Co-operatives in Sheffield
Sheffield-fablab mailing list for the sheffield fablab group
SlugBug South Yorkshire Linux Users Group & BSD Users Group
Strike-newsletter [no description available]
sun-coop Sun Co-op Newsletter
tech-coops tech co-ops email list
tech-coops-contact Contact list for Cooperative Technologists
tech-coops-international Technology Co-operatives International Email List
transition-dev Development email list for the Transition Network

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