[SlugBug] Organisation of Sheflug

Chris J cej at nightwolf.org.uk
Wed Aug 25 14:23:35 BST 2004

Hi all,

Just a quicky (though it isn't really). For those already on Sheflug,
you'll have seen this. For those that aren't, here's a response to an
email I sent out regarding the organisation of Sheflug that I've been
asked by the author (James Mears) to pass on to here.

In short - James is now an administrative contact for Sheflug as well as
Richard himself, so you have a choice of people now :-) James has also
given his blessings to slugbug meeting announcements on sheflug.

Full email is attached below. Hopefully both sides can now move on from this.


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: [Sheflug] Organisation of Sheflug
From:    "James Mears" <james at mearsonline.co.uk>
Date:    Wed, August 25, 2004 12:06
To:      shef-lug at list.sheflug.org.uk

Chris J wrote:

>It seems that there is growing tension between both ShefLUG and
>SlugBug, with various gambits being thrown open on all sides. However,
the latest accusation of censorship however has basically caused me to
question the way this list is ran, and the LUG organised.
>>From what I can tell, SlugBug has no quarrel with ShefLug as an entity
>in its own right, but more with a particular individual. On the other
hand, this person has some unknown complaint with SlugBug. On this alone
I feel it is only right that a number of responses are required from the
LUG organiser(s).
>The LUG is managed (it seems) solely by Richard, therefore I ask from him
the following:
>1. Are people being censored. If so why?
>2. Who actually moderates this list. If there is only one list
>administrator, why? As it would make better sense for the list to be
administered by at least two people - this would then allow for:
>   a) Cover, should one list moderator be unavailable (illness,
>      holiday etc)
>   b) Proper oversight to ensure list powers are not abused.
>3. If there are decisions or other topics of conversation that affect 
the LUG happening at meetings, I request that these are formally
>minuted and passed on to the rest of the list. Many of us cannot make
meetings on a regular basis, thus thus would seem to make sense. This
stems from the comment that "No one is telling me what Slug-bug is and at
the last meeting I was told by the ShefLUG members to ignore it and not
to take any notice of it". How many people were at the meeting, and was
it a representitive sample? In hindsight, just ignoring
>SlugBug seems to be the wrong course given the amount of press this is
getting on the list.
>If there are other people involved with the running on ShefLUG or the 
running of the list, it would be prudent for them to make themselves 
known, as a further contact regarding any administration issues.
>Linux and GNU is meant to present openness and sharing. All I have seen
of late is backbiting and snapping. A full response to the above points
will set my (and possibly others) mind at ease, and hopefully Sheffield
can move on and put this horrid episode behind.
>Richard -- for the sake of the continued health of the list, you need to
be more open about how the LUG is being organised, as at the moment it
that any complaints either fall on deaf ears, or illicit a response via
private mail, with a result that someone ends up being booted off with no
useful explanation.  I'm sure everyone on this list will
>acknowledge the effort put in with the seminars and events that are
organised, however these issues need to be resolved before any other
people start resigning, and affecting the quality and/or experienece of
the list members. I do not delight in having to post this, however the
current events have only made me feel rather disillusioned with the list.

I hope I do not upset anybody with this..

I have been reading this topic with interest, I have been in touch with 
Richard and think I should reply to
some of the questions and pass on some information.

Sheflug was setup by Richard some time in 1999 as a Internet discussion 
list. Over time and with a lot of hard
work, determination and money Richard has developed the group into what 
it is now.

Richard has personally funded (at great personal cost for somebody in  his
position) the majority of room bookings at
Sheffield Hallam University etc and through hard work has secured help 
with funding and sponsorship for events and meetings.
He has been the force behind many of the excellent lectures that have 
been held in Sheffield over the last few years and the
organisation of the Linux seminars at the Sheffield Wednesday Football 

Richard has made Sheflug his "life's work" , if I can phrase it like  that
and I can see how it could be difficult for him to
sometimes accept that people want to have things run in a different way 
or form other Linux groups in Sheffield.

I think the point I am trying to make is that the List and Sheflug group 
is not a "public" entity as such. At the moment the
Sheflug domain is owned and paid for by an individual (Richard) and not  a
group or a committee.
Without Richards hard work the meetings just would not happen - in this 
respect Richard feels that he has a certain
ownership and control over Sheflug. In his eyes Sheflug is "his group" 
and he does not want his "control" to be taken away.

I guess that there are things that have been said that perhaps should  not
have been said, as far as I know there is no
argument between Sheflug and SlugBug and I think that the recent
comments should be forgotten.

I have just started (and I literally mean "just") helping Richard with 
Mailing List Admin. Richard has indicated that he is going
to be busy with a college course and I have offered to help.

To try and answer the questions:

#1. Are people being censored. If so why?

ANSWER: I am not aware of any email posts actually being censored. I don't
think this is possible anyway.  I know that Richard has from time to time
kicked people off the list (rightly or wrongly) but as  owner of the list
he has seen this as his right to do so.

#2. Who actually moderates this list. If there is only one list
administrator, why? As it would make better sense for the list to be
administered by at least two people - this would then allow for:
   a) Cover, should one list moderator be unavailable (illness,
      holiday etc)
   b) Proper oversight to ensure list powers are not abused.

ANSWER: In the past only Richard moderated the list. As of this week I
will be helping out (when Richard phones me with the password later) The
reason why is because it is Richard that setup the list - Richard has had
help in the past with list Admin (from me and others) from time to time
when he has been on holiday but not on an on going basis.

#3. If there are decisions or other topics of conversation that affect 
the LUG happening at meetings, I request that these are formally
minuted and passed on to the rest of the list. Many of us cannot make
meetings on a regular basis, thus thus would seem to make sense. This
stems from the comment that "No one is telling me what Slug-bug is and at
the last meeting I was told by the ShefLUG members to ignore it and not to
take any notice of it". How many people were at the meeting, and was it a
representative sample? In hindsight, just ignoring
SlugBug seems to be the wrong course given the amount of press this is
getting on the list.

If there are other people involved with the running on ShefLUG or the 
running of the list, it would be prudent for them to make themselves 
known, as a further contact regarding any administration issues.

ANSWER: AS Sheflug does not have a formal committee and meetings are not
formal in  any way there are no minutes to take at meetings. Richard does
provide some information  about meetings on the sheflug website meetings
page but nobody helps him to maintain  this so it is done as and when he
gets time.

I am now Identifying myself as an Admin contact for things relating to 
the mailing list. I am waiting for Admin passwords etc from Richard so
should be able to help out with Admin requests soon.

I hope that all of the above helps in some way.

Chris, can you post this to the SlugBug list please.

Best Wishes and all the best.


james at mearsonline.co.uk


Sheffield Linux User's Group -

  GNU the choice of a complete generation.

\ Chris Johnson                 \
 \ cej at nightwolf.org.uk          \
  \ http://cej.nightwolf.org.uk/  ~-----------------------------------+
   \ Redclaw chat - http://redclaw.org.uk - telnet redclaw.org.uk 2000 \____

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