[SlugBug] Richard Ibbotson and sensorship at Sheflug

Chris J cej at nightwolf.org.uk
Wed Aug 25 00:23:24 BST 2004

[[ apologies for any rambling or grammer errors; I'm slightly under the 
influence ]]

And Lo! The Great Prophet Richard Davies uttered these words of wisdom:
> I Guess that Richard Stevenson is a guy in New Zealand who actually runs the 
> Sheflug discussion forum for the group. In the past I had huge problems 
> registering on the Sheflug list as they didn't like my e-mail address. 
> Richard Ibbotson tried to register me directly as I couldn't do it via the 
> site and eventually it turned out that someone in New Zealand was filtering 
> my address and deciding that I was an unfit person based purely on this. When

[[ Background only; people may be advised to do some more research if they 
want to follow up further. This may be considered random waffle, but some 
may find it vaugely informative. ]]

For some time, Sheflug used to be based on a server in NZ. This was under 
the control of a couple of people (short of hitting the LUG archives I 
can't be sure who, so won't name names). Then, it moved from being 
sheflug at vuw.ac.nz to shef-lug at list.sheflug.org.uk. 

I don't know who hosts the org.uk for certain, but looking at headers, it
seems to be uklinux.net, a Linux based ISP.

However, vuw.ac.nz is the Victoria University at Wellington (in New Zealand),
so originally it would be have been an admin there that /was/ ultimately
responsible. The switch was, ISTR, about two years ago (again, need to hit
archives), so anything since then shouldn't have any impact on the
commenwealth state. 

[[ this is the end of the double bracket caveats ]]

\ Chris Johnson                 \ NP: Evil`s Toy - Shades Of Vanity (Digita
 \ cej at nightwolf.org.uk          \ lGunfire.com - [Industrial:EBM:Futurepop] 
  \ http://cej.nightwolf.org.uk/  \  Long Range, Hard Hitting!)
   \ http://redclaw.org.uk/        ~---------------------------------------

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