[ptx] thoughts for hugin UI, post 0.5

Rob Park rbpark at gmail.com
Thu May 26 23:56:24 BST 2005

On 5/26/05, Tijmen <mailinglists at mail.iivq.net> wrote:
> On Thursday 26 May 2005 11:00, douglas wilkins wrote:
> > But, the options "Interpolator", "Format" and "compression" are all
> > functions of the stitching engine and as such, belong together. If you
> > look at pano_panel-2.5.xrc and the nested nona_panel.xrc you'll see what I
> > mean.
> I don't agree. Technically they are functions of the stitching engine, but to
> the user, Image size, format and compression are all parameters of the output
> (of the image) while the Interpolator is more of a technical setting,
> belonging to the stitcher.

Yes, and the HIG specifically states that UI widgets should be
arranged according to what makes sense to the user, not to how they're
related in the underlying technology, so I think we should work
towards making new6 possible.

If nona grows any more extra options, we can decide then where in the
UI they should fit.

But what it sounds like to me is that the two files pano_panel-2.5.xrc
and nona_panel.xrc are going to have to be merged into one big happy
UI layout.

I have a feeling that the XRC files are going to be simplied a lot
since there's a lot of junk widgets (the GtkFrames and such) that I'll
be throwing out).

> Technically there is no need to put parameters that belong to the same thing
> together. This is a fault made in many UI's.

Yup ;)

> (Sorry, that sounded a bit attacking, not meant as such)

I like the way you think ;)

> > Post 0.5 this will not change. PTStitcher obviously will not get new
> > interpolator options but nona may well, and we need to keep the panels
> > separate to facilitate this.
> Can anyone explain me (or point me a link to) the several components being
> used and how they work together? Why won't PTStitcher get new interpolator
> options?

Oh, it's a long story, I don't want to get bogged down with it now...
I've got a UI to fix ;)

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