[ptx] possible optimizer bug, filename ordering [Re: bugs - hugin_snapshot_hugin_2004_07_16-08_33_win32.zip]

Pablo d'Angelo pablo.dangelo at web.de
Sun Jul 18 10:37:45 BST 2004

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Rik Littlefield wrote:

> >Ups, overlooked that. I'll take a look at it.. Strangely, the same thing
> >happens if I just use PTOptimizer on the script. If I set the initial b to
> >some number significantly different from 0 (0.1 or so), it works, but else
> >it fails on the command line as well. If I set it to a really small number,
> >like 0.0001, the b estimate goes berzerk and I get a rms error of ~144,
> >where
> >
> >I don't remember the old optimizer did stuff like that, I'm using the new,
> >panotools 2.7a-2 rpm from bruno's site. Maybe its a bug somewhere inside
> >the improved optimisation?
> > 
> >
> Could always be a bug.  But I just reran one of my standard test cases, 
> using pano12.dll built from sources, under PTGui, optimizing 
> fov/a/b/c from starting a/b/c = 0, e-6, e-5, e-4, e-3, e-2, 0.1, 0.2, 
> 0.5, and it converged stably in all those cases. It finally failed to 
> converge well starting at a/b/c = 1, no great surprise. 
> Could also be some subtle interaction with other parameters.
> If this problem persists, send me the PTOptimizer script and I'll try it 
> in my environment.

Here are some simple tests, I have made, Its just a 2 image pano with some
11 control points, maybe the control points are not set nicely for a,b,c
value estimation.

-------------- next part --------------
# PTOptimizer script, written by hugin

p f2 w3408 h1363 v110  n"JPEG q90"
m g1 i0 f0

# image lines
i w1600 h1200 f0 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 g0 p0 r0 t0 v51.6467 y0  u10 n"/dosd//photos/date/2004/6/nebelhorn/pano_schnee_see/ste_3127.jpg"
i w1600 h1200 f0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 g=0 p-0.547022 r11.6965 t=0 v=0 y27.3786  u10 n"/dosd//photos/date/2004/6/nebelhorn/pano_schnee_see/stf_3128.jpg"

# specify variables that should be optimized
v a0 b0 c0 
v p1 
v r1 
v y1 

# control points
c n0 N1 x1149 y652 X351 Y731 t0
c n0 N1 x991 y600 X178 Y714 t0
c n0 N1 x1354 y240 X471 Y295 t0
c n0 N1 x1182 y177 X292 Y255 t0
c n0 N1 x1121 y894 X378 Y977 t0
c n0 N1 x1542 y551 X696 Y557 t0
c n0 N1 x1540 y85 X613 Y131 t0
c n0 N1 x1490 y1061 X756 Y1034 t0
c n0 N1 x1488 y866 X713 Y856 t0
c n0 N1 x977 y80 X59 Y179 t0
c n0 N1 x847 y684 X38 Y837 t0
c n0 N1 x1403 y16 X479 Y78 t0

#hugin_options r0


# ====================================================================
# Output  generated by Panorama Tools

# 16 function evaluations
# the relative error in the sum of squares is at most tol
# final rms error 6.59721 units

# Panorama description
# p f2 w3408 h1363 v110 n"JPEG q90"

# Parameters for Each Input Image:
# (*) - optimized         (p) - preset 

# Image No 0:
# Yaw:	0 deg (p)	Pitch:	0 deg (p) 
# Roll:	0 deg (p)	HFov:	51.6467 deg (p)
# Polynomial Coefficients: a   0.000000 (*); b   0.000000 (*); c   0.000000 (*)
# Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (p)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (p)
# 4th polynomial coefficient: 1
# Command for Panorama Creation: 
o f0 r0 p0 y0 v51.6467 a0.000000 b0.000000 c0.000000 g0.000000 t0.000000 d0.000000 e0.000000 u10 -buf 

# Image No 1:
# Yaw:	27.3786 deg (*)	Pitch:	-0.547022 deg (*) 
# Roll:	11.6965 deg (*)	HFov:	51.6467 deg (p)
# Polynomial Coefficients: a   0.000000 (*); b   0.000000 (*); c   0.000000 (*)
# Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (*)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (*)
# 4th polynomial coefficient: 1
# Command for Panorama Creation: 
o f0 r11.6965 p-0.547022 y27.3786 v51.6467 a0.000000 b0.000000 c0.000000 g0.000000 t0.000000 d0.000000 e0.000000 u10 +buf 

# ====================================================================
# Control Points: Distance between desired and fitted Position (in Pixels)

# Control Point No 0:  9.29538
# Control Point No 1:  4.6795
# Control Point No 2:  4.13324
# Control Point No 3:  3.4644
# Control Point No 4:  4.39384
# Control Point No 5:  2.72106
# Control Point No 6:  11.2959
# Control Point No 7:  8.27789
# Control Point No 8:  3.21236
# Control Point No 9:  9.62495
# Control Point No 10:  2.23779
# Control Point No 11:  7.35485
C i0  x2073.34 y736.137 X2068.69 Y736.279
C i1  x2064.04 y736.421 X2068.69 Y736.279
C i0  x1908.22 y681.533 X1905.98 Y682.225
C i1  x1903.75 y682.916 X1905.98 Y682.225
C i0  x2277.98 y320.073 X2276.71 Y318.422
C i1  x2275.44 y316.77 X2276.71 Y318.422
C i0  x2107.12 y247.814 X2105.55 Y248.649
C i1  x2103.99 y249.484 X2105.55 Y248.649
C i0  x2044.46 y988.305 X2042.3 Y987.789
C i1  x2040.13 y987.274 X2042.3 Y987.789
C i0  x2452.85 y633.505 X2452.57 Y632.173
C i1  x2452.3 y630.84 X2452.57 Y632.173
C i0  x2451.06 y189.748 X2454.52 Y185.181
C i1  x2457.98 y180.614 X2454.52 Y185.181
C i0  x2405.84 y1128.53 X2408.6 Y1131.7
C i1  x2411.36 y1134.86 X2408.6 Y1131.7
C i0  x2404.01 y943.243 X2404.55 Y944.76
C i1  x2405.08 y946.278 X2404.55 Y944.76
C i0  x1893.37 y143.42 X1895.73 Y147.673
C i1  x1898.08 y151.926 X1895.73 Y147.673
C i0  x1754.49 y771.618 X1755.6 Y771.768
C i1  x1756.71 y771.917 X1755.6 Y771.768
C i0  x2324.84 y112.689 X2327.5 Y110.009
C i1  x2330.15 y107.329 X2327.5 Y110.009
-------------- next part --------------
# PTOptimizer script, written by hugin

p f2 w3408 h1363 v110  n"JPEG q90"
m g1 i0 f0

# image lines
i w1600 h1200 f0 a0 b0.0001 c0 d0 e0 g0 p0 r0 t0 v51.6467 y0  u10 n"/dosd//photos/date/2004/6/nebelhorn/pano_schnee_see/ste_3127.jpg"
i w1600 h1200 f0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 g=0 p-0.547022 r11.6965 t=0 v=0 y27.3786  u10 n"/dosd//photos/date/2004/6/nebelhorn/pano_schnee_see/stf_3128.jpg"

# specify variables that should be optimized
v a0 b0 c0 
v p1 
v r1 
v y1 

# control points
c n0 N1 x1149 y652 X351 Y731 t0
c n0 N1 x991 y600 X178 Y714 t0
c n0 N1 x1354 y240 X471 Y295 t0
c n0 N1 x1182 y177 X292 Y255 t0
c n0 N1 x1121 y894 X378 Y977 t0
c n0 N1 x1542 y551 X696 Y557 t0
c n0 N1 x1540 y85 X613 Y131 t0
c n0 N1 x1490 y1061 X756 Y1034 t0
c n0 N1 x1488 y866 X713 Y856 t0
c n0 N1 x977 y80 X59 Y179 t0
c n0 N1 x847 y684 X38 Y837 t0
c n0 N1 x1403 y16 X479 Y78 t0

#hugin_options r0


# ====================================================================
# Output  generated by Panorama Tools

# 54 function evaluations
# the relative error in the sum of squares is at most tol
# final rms error 1.08916 units

# Panorama description
# p f2 w3408 h1363 v110 n"JPEG q90"

# Parameters for Each Input Image:
# (*) - optimized         (p) - preset 

# Image No 0:
# Yaw:	0 deg (p)	Pitch:	0 deg (p) 
# Roll:	0 deg (p)	HFov:	51.6467 deg (p)
# Polynomial Coefficients: a   -0.008583 (*); b   0.018270 (*); c   -0.036050 (*)
# Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (p)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (p)
# 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.02636
# Command for Panorama Creation: 
o f0 r0 p0 y0 v51.6467 a-0.008583 b0.018270 c-0.036050 g0.000000 t0.000000 d0.000000 e0.000000 u10 -buf 

# Image No 1:
# Yaw:	27.4496 deg (*)	Pitch:	-0.566827 deg (*) 
# Roll:	11.8343 deg (*)	HFov:	51.6467 deg (p)
# Polynomial Coefficients: a   -0.008583 (*); b   0.018270 (*); c   -0.036050 (*)
# Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (*)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (*)
# 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.02636
# Command for Panorama Creation: 
o f0 r11.8343 p-0.566827 y27.4496 v51.6467 a-0.008583 b0.018270 c-0.036050 g0.000000 t0.000000 d0.000000 e0.000000 u10 +buf 

# ====================================================================
# Control Points: Distance between desired and fitted Position (in Pixels)

# Control Point No 0:  1.18721
# Control Point No 1:  0.485201
# Control Point No 2:  0.825961
# Control Point No 3:  0.618875
# Control Point No 4:  0.131776
# Control Point No 5:  1.05369
# Control Point No 6:  0.509336
# Control Point No 7:  0.513229
# Control Point No 8:  1.38137
# Control Point No 9:  0.837147
# Control Point No 10:  2.14987
# Control Point No 11:  1.62598
C i0  x2069.83 y735.622 X2069.24 Y735.646
C i1  x2068.65 y735.671 X2069.24 Y735.646
C i0  x1904.91 y681.525 X1905.03 Y681.734
C i1  x1905.15 y681.944 X1905.03 Y681.734
C i0  x2279.44 y319.21 X2279.84 Y319.072
C i1  x2280.24 y318.933 X2279.84 Y319.072
C i0  x2106.62 y248.319 X2106.83 Y248.549
C i1  x2107.05 y248.779 X2106.83 Y248.549
C i0  x2042.27 y986.392 X2042.3 Y986.332
C i1  x2042.33 y986.273 X2042.3 Y986.332
C i0  x2457.44 y633.232 X2457.04 Y632.892
C i1  x2456.63 y632.552 X2457.04 Y632.892
C i0  x2462.28 y183.184 X2462.05 Y183.054
C i1  x2461.82 y182.923 X2462.05 Y183.054
C i0  x2413.42 y1132.91 X2413.41 Y1132.65
C i1  x2413.41 y1132.4 X2413.41 Y1132.65
C i0  x2408.18 y944.697 X2408.38 Y944.036
C i1  x2408.58 y943.375 X2408.38 Y944.036
C i0  x1892.96 y144.49 X1893.32 Y144.734
C i1  x1893.68 y144.977 X1893.32 Y144.734
C i0  x1753.44 y769.752 X1752.64 Y770.47
C i1  x1751.84 y771.188 X1752.64 Y770.47
C i0  x2332.04 y106.812 X2332.88 Y106.968
C i1  x2333.72 y107.124 X2332.88 Y106.968
-------------- next part --------------
# PTOptimizer script, written by hugin

p f2 w3408 h1363 v110  n"JPEG q90"
m g1 i0 f0

# image lines
i w1600 h1200 f0 a0 b0.01 c0 d0 e0 g0 p0 r0 t0 v51.6467 y0  u10 n"/dosd//photos/date/2004/6/nebelhorn/pano_schnee_see/ste_3127.jpg"
i w1600 h1200 f0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 g=0 p-0.547022 r11.6965 t=0 v=0 y27.3786  u10 n"/dosd//photos/date/2004/6/nebelhorn/pano_schnee_see/stf_3128.jpg"

# specify variables that should be optimized
v a0 b0 c0 
v p1 
v r1 
v y1 

# control points
c n0 N1 x1149 y652 X351 Y731 t0
c n0 N1 x991 y600 X178 Y714 t0
c n0 N1 x1354 y240 X471 Y295 t0
c n0 N1 x1182 y177 X292 Y255 t0
c n0 N1 x1121 y894 X378 Y977 t0
c n0 N1 x1542 y551 X696 Y557 t0
c n0 N1 x1540 y85 X613 Y131 t0
c n0 N1 x1490 y1061 X756 Y1034 t0
c n0 N1 x1488 y866 X713 Y856 t0
c n0 N1 x977 y80 X59 Y179 t0
c n0 N1 x847 y684 X38 Y837 t0
c n0 N1 x1403 y16 X479 Y78 t0

#hugin_options r0


# ====================================================================
# Output  generated by Panorama Tools

# 53 function evaluations
# the relative error in the sum of squares is at most tol
# final rms error 1.08916 units

# Panorama description
# p f2 w3408 h1363 v110 n"JPEG q90"

# Parameters for Each Input Image:
# (*) - optimized         (p) - preset 

# Image No 0:
# Yaw:	0 deg (p)	Pitch:	0 deg (p) 
# Roll:	0 deg (p)	HFov:	51.6467 deg (p)
# Polynomial Coefficients: a   -0.008584 (*); b   0.018272 (*); c   -0.036052 (*)
# Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (p)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (p)
# 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.02636
# Command for Panorama Creation: 
o f0 r0 p0 y0 v51.6467 a-0.008584 b0.018272 c-0.036052 g0.000000 t0.000000 d0.000000 e0.000000 u10 -buf 

# Image No 1:
# Yaw:	27.4496 deg (*)	Pitch:	-0.566827 deg (*) 
# Roll:	11.8343 deg (*)	HFov:	51.6467 deg (p)
# Polynomial Coefficients: a   -0.008584 (*); b   0.018272 (*); c   -0.036052 (*)
# Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (*)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (*)
# 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.02636
# Command for Panorama Creation: 
o f0 r11.8343 p-0.566827 y27.4496 v51.6467 a-0.008584 b0.018272 c-0.036052 g0.000000 t0.000000 d0.000000 e0.000000 u10 +buf 

# ====================================================================
# Control Points: Distance between desired and fitted Position (in Pixels)

# Control Point No 0:  1.18723
# Control Point No 1:  0.485206
# Control Point No 2:  0.825963
# Control Point No 3:  0.618871
# Control Point No 4:  0.131774
# Control Point No 5:  1.05365
# Control Point No 6:  0.509355
# Control Point No 7:  0.513219
# Control Point No 8:  1.38138
# Control Point No 9:  0.837142
# Control Point No 10:  2.14987
# Control Point No 11:  1.62598
C i0  x2069.83 y735.622 X2069.24 Y735.646
C i1  x2068.65 y735.671 X2069.24 Y735.646
C i0  x1904.91 y681.525 X1905.03 Y681.734
C i1  x1905.15 y681.944 X1905.03 Y681.734
C i0  x2279.44 y319.21 X2279.84 Y319.072
C i1  x2280.24 y318.933 X2279.84 Y319.072
C i0  x2106.62 y248.319 X2106.83 Y248.549
C i1  x2107.05 y248.779 X2106.83 Y248.549
C i0  x2042.27 y986.392 X2042.3 Y986.332
C i1  x2042.33 y986.273 X2042.3 Y986.332
C i0  x2457.44 y633.232 X2457.04 Y632.892
C i1  x2456.63 y632.552 X2457.04 Y632.892
C i0  x2462.28 y183.184 X2462.05 Y183.054
C i1  x2461.82 y182.923 X2462.05 Y183.054
C i0  x2413.42 y1132.91 X2413.41 Y1132.65
C i1  x2413.41 y1132.4 X2413.41 Y1132.65
C i0  x2408.18 y944.697 X2408.38 Y944.036
C i1  x2408.58 y943.375 X2408.38 Y944.036
C i0  x1892.96 y144.49 X1893.32 Y144.734
C i1  x1893.68 y144.977 X1893.32 Y144.734
C i0  x1753.44 y769.751 X1752.64 Y770.47
C i1  x1751.84 y771.188 X1752.64 Y770.47
C i0  x2332.04 y106.812 X2332.88 Y106.968
C i1  x2333.72 y107.124 X2332.88 Y106.968
-------------- next part --------------
# PTOptimizer script, written by hugin

p f2 w3408 h1363 v110  n"JPEG q90"
m g1 i0 f0

# image lines
i w1600 h1200 f0 a0 b0.1 c0 d0 e0 g0 p0 r0 t0 v51.6467 y0  u10 n"/dosd//photos/date/2004/6/nebelhorn/pano_schnee_see/ste_3127.jpg"
i w1600 h1200 f0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 g=0 p-0.547022 r11.6965 t=0 v=0 y27.3786  u10 n"/dosd//photos/date/2004/6/nebelhorn/pano_schnee_see/stf_3128.jpg"

# specify variables that should be optimized
v a0 b0 c0 
v p1 
v r1 
v y1 

# control points
c n0 N1 x1149 y652 X351 Y731 t0
c n0 N1 x991 y600 X178 Y714 t0
c n0 N1 x1354 y240 X471 Y295 t0
c n0 N1 x1182 y177 X292 Y255 t0
c n0 N1 x1121 y894 X378 Y977 t0
c n0 N1 x1542 y551 X696 Y557 t0
c n0 N1 x1540 y85 X613 Y131 t0
c n0 N1 x1490 y1061 X756 Y1034 t0
c n0 N1 x1488 y866 X713 Y856 t0
c n0 N1 x977 y80 X59 Y179 t0
c n0 N1 x847 y684 X38 Y837 t0
c n0 N1 x1403 y16 X479 Y78 t0

#hugin_options r0


# ====================================================================
# Output  generated by Panorama Tools

# 97 function evaluations
# the relative error in the sum of squares is at most tol
# final rms error 1.08916 units

# Panorama description
# p f2 w3408 h1363 v110 n"JPEG q90"

# Parameters for Each Input Image:
# (*) - optimized         (p) - preset 

# Image No 0:
# Yaw:	0 deg (p)	Pitch:	0 deg (p) 
# Roll:	0 deg (p)	HFov:	51.6467 deg (p)
# Polynomial Coefficients: a   -0.008584 (*); b   0.018272 (*); c   -0.036051 (*)
# Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (p)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (p)
# 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.02636
# Command for Panorama Creation: 
o f0 r0 p0 y0 v51.6467 a-0.008584 b0.018272 c-0.036051 g0.000000 t0.000000 d0.000000 e0.000000 u10 -buf 

# Image No 1:
# Yaw:	27.4496 deg (*)	Pitch:	-0.566827 deg (*) 
# Roll:	11.8343 deg (*)	HFov:	51.6467 deg (p)
# Polynomial Coefficients: a   -0.008584 (*); b   0.018272 (*); c   -0.036051 (*)
# Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (*)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (*)
# 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.02636
# Command for Panorama Creation: 
o f0 r11.8343 p-0.566827 y27.4496 v51.6467 a-0.008584 b0.018272 c-0.036051 g0.000000 t0.000000 d0.000000 e0.000000 u10 +buf 

# ====================================================================
# Control Points: Distance between desired and fitted Position (in Pixels)

# Control Point No 0:  1.18722
# Control Point No 1:  0.485204
# Control Point No 2:  0.82596
# Control Point No 3:  0.61887
# Control Point No 4:  0.131773
# Control Point No 5:  1.05366
# Control Point No 6:  0.509346
# Control Point No 7:  0.513222
# Control Point No 8:  1.38138
# Control Point No 9:  0.837146
# Control Point No 10:  2.14987
# Control Point No 11:  1.62598
C i0  x2069.83 y735.622 X2069.24 Y735.646
C i1  x2068.65 y735.671 X2069.24 Y735.646
C i0  x1904.91 y681.525 X1905.03 Y681.734
C i1  x1905.15 y681.944 X1905.03 Y681.734
C i0  x2279.44 y319.21 X2279.84 Y319.072
C i1  x2280.24 y318.933 X2279.84 Y319.072
C i0  x2106.62 y248.319 X2106.83 Y248.549
C i1  x2107.05 y248.779 X2106.83 Y248.549
C i0  x2042.27 y986.392 X2042.3 Y986.332
C i1  x2042.33 y986.273 X2042.3 Y986.332
C i0  x2457.44 y633.232 X2457.04 Y632.892
C i1  x2456.63 y632.552 X2457.04 Y632.892
C i0  x2462.28 y183.184 X2462.05 Y183.054
C i1  x2461.82 y182.923 X2462.05 Y183.054
C i0  x2413.42 y1132.91 X2413.41 Y1132.65
C i1  x2413.41 y1132.4 X2413.41 Y1132.65
C i0  x2408.18 y944.697 X2408.38 Y944.036
C i1  x2408.58 y943.375 X2408.38 Y944.036
C i0  x1892.96 y144.49 X1893.32 Y144.734
C i1  x1893.68 y144.977 X1893.32 Y144.734
C i0  x1753.44 y769.751 X1752.64 Y770.47
C i1  x1751.84 y771.188 X1752.64 Y770.47
C i0  x2332.04 y106.812 X2332.88 Y106.968
C i1  x2333.72 y107.124 X2332.88 Y106.968
-------------- next part --------------
# PTOptimizer script, written by hugin

p f2 w3408 h1363 v110  n"JPEG q90"
m g1 i0 f0

# image lines
i w1600 h1200 f0 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 g0 p0 r0 t0 v51.6467 y0  u10 n"/dosd//photos/date/2004/6/nebelhorn/pano_schnee_see/ste_3127.jpg"
i w1600 h1200 f0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 g=0 p-0.547022 r11.6965 t=0 v=0 y27.3786  u10 n"/dosd//photos/date/2004/6/nebelhorn/pano_schnee_see/stf_3128.jpg"

# specify variables that should be optimized
v a0 b0 c0 v0
v p1 
v r1 
v y1 

# control points
c n0 N1 x1149 y652 X351 Y731 t0
c n0 N1 x991 y600 X178 Y714 t0
c n0 N1 x1354 y240 X471 Y295 t0
c n0 N1 x1182 y177 X292 Y255 t0
c n0 N1 x1121 y894 X378 Y977 t0
c n0 N1 x1542 y551 X696 Y557 t0
c n0 N1 x1540 y85 X613 Y131 t0
c n0 N1 x1490 y1061 X756 Y1034 t0
c n0 N1 x1488 y866 X713 Y856 t0
c n0 N1 x977 y80 X59 Y179 t0
c n0 N1 x847 y684 X38 Y837 t0
c n0 N1 x1403 y16 X479 Y78 t0

#hugin_options r0


# ====================================================================
# Output  generated by Panorama Tools

# 55 function evaluations
# the relative error in the sum of squares is at most tol
# final rms error 3.31858 units

# Panorama description
# p f2 w3408 h1363 v110 n"JPEG q90"

# Parameters for Each Input Image:
# (*) - optimized         (p) - preset 

# Image No 0:
# Yaw:	0 deg (p)	Pitch:	0 deg (p) 
# Roll:	0 deg (p)	HFov:	45.7683 deg (*)
# Polynomial Coefficients: a   0.000000 (*); b   0.000000 (*); c   0.000000 (*)
# Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (p)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (p)
# 4th polynomial coefficient: 1
# Command for Panorama Creation: 
o f0 r0 p0 y0 v45.7683 a0.000000 b0.000000 c0.000000 g0.000000 t0.000000 d0.000000 e0.000000 u10 -buf 

# Image No 1:
# Yaw:	24.0968 deg (*)	Pitch:	-0.453366 deg (*) 
# Roll:	11.6046 deg (*)	HFov:	45.7683 deg (*)
# Polynomial Coefficients: a   0.000000 (*); b   0.000000 (*); c   0.000000 (*)
# Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (*)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (*)
# 4th polynomial coefficient: 1
# Command for Panorama Creation: 
o f0 r11.6046 p-0.453366 y24.0968 v45.7683 a0.000000 b0.000000 c0.000000 g0.000000 t0.000000 d0.000000 e0.000000 u10 +buf 

# ====================================================================
# Control Points: Distance between desired and fitted Position (in Pixels)

# Control Point No 0:  4.99652
# Control Point No 1:  3.65933
# Control Point No 2:  0.936978
# Control Point No 3:  0.742183
# Control Point No 4:  0.508809
# Control Point No 5:  3.72351
# Control Point No 6:  2.77231
# Control Point No 7:  4.82238
# Control Point No 8:  1.921
# Control Point No 9:  3.37284
# Control Point No 10:  3.28826
# Control Point No 11:  4.62898
C i0  x2027.2 y729.343 X2024.71 Y729.54
C i1  x2022.22 y729.737 X2024.71 Y729.54
C i0  x1882.25 y681.466 X1880.57 Y682.183
C i1  x1878.88 y682.9 X1880.57 Y682.183
C i0  x2208.73 y361.346 X2208.33 Y361.096
C i1  x2207.93 y360.847 X2208.33 Y361.096
C i0  x2056.99 y299.117 X2056.83 Y299.45
C i1  x2056.66 y299.783 X2056.83 Y299.45
C i0  x2001.77 y950.84 X2001.63 Y951.051
C i1  x2001.48 y951.261 X2001.63 Y951.051
C i0  x2366.29 y638.714 X2364.75 Y637.672
C i1  x2363.2 y636.63 X2364.75 Y637.672
C i0  x2364.67 y241.383 X2366.06 Y241.074
C i1  x2367.45 y240.765 X2366.06 Y241.074
C i0  x2323.68 y1080.25 X2325.97 Y1079.35
C i1  x2328.27 y1078.45 X2325.97 Y1079.35
C i0  x2322.02 y914.248 X2322.25 Y913.313
C i1  x2322.47 y912.378 X2322.25 Y913.313
C i0  x1869.26 y208.082 X1870.92 Y208.611
C i1  x1872.58 y209.139 X1870.92 Y208.611
C i0  x1747.98 y760.064 X1746.91 Y761.317
C i1  x1745.85 y762.57 X1746.91 Y761.317
C i0  x2250.71 y174.477 X2253.11 Y174.64
C i1  x2255.52 y174.802 X2253.11 Y174.64

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