[ptx] autopano-sift bug: generatekey default size is not 700

Sebastian Nowozin nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de
Fri Jul 9 16:38:06 BST 2004

Hi Pablo, *,

On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 08:29:04AM +0200, Pablo d'Angelo wrote:

> I've just tried the new autopano-sift 1.4, and I have noticed that generate
> keys doesn't use a downscale value of 700 by default, but uses an octave
> bigger than the real image by default:
> $ generatekeys.exe sta_3144.jpg t.xml.gz
Of course it does not, and this is more or less hidden in the manpage of
generatekeys. However, the behaviour detailed there is not in sync anymore with
the 1.4 version. I now changed the generatekeys behaviour to (in the next
released version):

No option -> doubling of resolution.
zero/0 as downscaleResolution -> image is unchanged.
any positive integer value -> image is downscaled so its longer dimension is as
   long as the given resolution. If the image is smaller, its not changed.

Though I am myself not convinced that its the best way. For generic tasks it is,
but for the use of panorama image stitching maybe I will exchange the first two
behaviours, so no option means the image is unchanged.

For your autopano-complete.sh script, shall I change it by default to use a
size of 700 in the next release?

Btw, for those brave Windows users of autopano-sift 1.4, the downscale
exception bug reported here is currently under investigation by the Gtk#
developers and will most likely be fixed quickly, as it affects a lot of other
functions, too.


nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de --- http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/

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