[SlugBug] E-17

Andy Halsall andyhalsall at ictsc.com
Fri Sep 21 00:14:22 BST 2007

Hello folks.

Thought I'd just drop a mail to the list (as its been very quiet, and I 
have some time) to say that if you haven't looked at E17 
(slugbug at email-lists.org) and you are looking for a change from your 
normal window manager / Desktop environment.

It is now fairly stable (on Debian Etch using 
http://edevelop.org/debian/ unstable main) and very usable. To give you 
an idea, I used it on my primary desktop for about 3 months (I'm back on 
KDE now to take a look at KDE4) and on my rather underpowered Dell 
laptop (PII 500Mhz, 500Mb Ram, shared graphics) it has replaced Fluxbox. 
   It is as lightweight as some claim, but manages to look very nice. 
Many of the UI and configuration options are extremely good, especially 
if you are setting something up for a new user.

Some differences from the usual desktop that I like quite a bit are the 
ability to change desktop (if you use multiple desktops) by moving the 
mouse to the edge of the monitor, (I know its doable in KDE3.X but not 
all that easily and not as neatly), and moving desktop wallpaper (come 
on its pretty!). Also it is apparently (I haven't tried) usable with beryl.

Anyway, if anyone is looking for a slightly different desktop, that is 
both very lightweight and very good looking and well designed, then take 
a look. Id love to hear what people think (not that I am associated with 
the project, but the comments I have had from non-geeks who have looked 
at my laptop have been interesting, it'd like to compare)

Oh and additionally I have been running familiar on my Ipaq for a while 
now and was wondering if anyone else is using familiar or OE on a PDA.

Anyway Thanks.

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