[SlugBug] HTML special chars and databases?

Richard Fletcher RFletcher at zedcore.com
Mon May 16 14:04:34 BST 2005

On Monday 16 May 2005 13:51, Matthew Gray wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been wondering about this for a little while and wanted to get
> some opinions: When putting text into a database, for later display
> in a webpage, do you:
> a) Store the database field with the HTML special chars encoded -
> ie the field had & < > inside it.
> or,
> b) Store the data with the raw characters, and encode the
> characters to their HTML representations when the record is
> displayed.

If you have a process (A) to run over the text to make it safe for html and 
process (B) to make it safe for emai,. then you would store the text 
unaltered in the database and then apply A if putting  the text into html and 
B if email. If there is no B and A will always be applied before the text is 
displayed, it is best to do A before insertion into the database.

Usually there is a B - or there will be, in fact, usually there is a C,D,E,F 
and G as well. We wrote a CMS in PHP where database values are assigned to 
classes for that type. We now have output settings for if the data is going 
to html or email or if line breaks should be converted to <br /> tags and 
have the ability to extend the fields to cope with BBCode WikiCode or 
anything else that might appear useful.

As ever - it depends upon what you want to do to the data tommorrow as well as 
what you want to do today. 

You would not want to have to do A' (the reverse process of A assuming it has 
one) to then do B.

Richard Fletcher
Zedcore Systems
UK tel/fax: 0114 238 1828
Global tel/fax: +44 114 238 1828 
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