[SlugBug] Difficulties with Suse 8.2

Alan Dawson aland at burngreave.net
Wed Aug 18 13:00:16 BST 2004

Quoting Lesley Binks <lesley.binks at zen.co.uk>:

> Hello everyone :)

hi :-)

> I have just installed an SMC1244TX network card.  Natch, this piece of 
> hardware doesn't have drivers so I went off for a hunt around.

This has well supported Linux drivers for many years..its an rtl8139 chipset,
and they are already installed on you SuSE computer, thats if you are running a
SuSE kernel still.

modprobe rtl8139

will load the driver manually

and ifconfig -a should show it.

You can use YAST to set it up though.  Add a new network device, and select a
rtl8139 nic.

I used to get in all sort of similar messes, until i realised that the people
who maintain the distros (all distros )actually put in alot of effort into
making sure lots of things work, and are well supported, and also know what
they're on about.  Recompiling a kernel is something everybody should do once,
but not lightly do twice unless they have a very good reason ( IMHO ).

Though I must say gcc -D -W -06 blah ..  is all over my head anyhow, if you
understand that stuff you're already swimmming in much deeper water than i do

I personally quite like the SuSE distro though, and it's always been good to
me!.. but maybe gentoo is more appropriate to your needs if you need absolute
control and customisablilty.

"The long revolution is creating small federated microsocieties, true guerilla 

 cells practising and fighting for this self-management. Effective radicality  
 authorises all variations and guarantees every freedom. "  

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