[Sfcevents] some good news!

Sean Farmelo sean at students.coop
Tue Mar 11 18:03:12 GMT 2014

Hey all,

Today we finally got hold of some grant funding that we've been waiting
for from suma - it includes lots of money for media and publicity :D

One of the things included is more money for t shirts and additionally
money for a banner. These would all be used for people doing events. I
was planning on seeing if Sabcat could make us some more SfC shirts -
maybe with a different background? (any ideas?)   - They can also get
fancy vinyl banners printed for us or alternatively we could get some
fabric and paint a bunch of them ourselves which might save money.

do people think we should ask sabcat for a banner quote?

I've included the finances for the suma bid as they stand in this email
for people to look over.

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