[ptx] Re: [PanoTools-devel] Governance and decision making

Daniel M. German dmgerman at uvic.ca
Fri Jun 30 17:27:10 BST 2006

 Bruno> It has to develop in the direction determined by those who have 
 Bruno> energy and resources to work on it.  There hasn't yet been anyone 
 Bruno> blundering around adding broken stuff, so there is no reason to 
 Bruno> suppose this will happen in the future.

True, we can keep the informal approach and keep going.  Bruno has
been always the release manager. He continuing being the one who
decides when a new release should be made public. 

For those in the PTX list, we have moved libpano to subversion. We
branched libpano into pano12 and (and rollback as it was on 2006-06-14
13:17:44 -0700. It should be binary compatible with PTstitcher.

>From now on point on pano12 and libpano will have two different
futures and they are no longer binary compatible.


Daniel M. German                  "I am like any other artist.
                                   It just so happens that
                                   what fills my mind
   Donald Coxeter ->               is shapes and numbers"
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


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