[ptx] Compiling Hugin on OSX/intel

Oliver Gräser oliver.graeser at uni-konstanz.de
Sun Jun 25 13:15:54 BST 2006


I ran into the same bug mentioned before (Hugin crashes on  
optimization). I used Ippei's UB version. Now, I thought I'd maybe  
try to use the mentioned workaround (downgrading to older libpano  
version). Okay, I'm a newbie to compiling, I looked around and found  
a libpano-folder within my downloaded Hugin package, so I downloaded  
the libpano12 2.8.1 tarball, and end up with a ./configure-error:  
JPEG package is incomplete. So i downloaded libjpeg, which i managed  
to compile. But still, libpano's configure says JPEG support is  
missing. I suppose I got to tell libpano somehow where libjpeg is -  
but how?

Besides, I want to thank everyone for the software, it is a great  
tool. And to Ippei, thx for the Terminal widget as well!



Oliver Gräser
Physics Department, University of Konstanz
Soft Matter Theory Group
Universitätsstrasse 10 / M671
D-78457 Konstanz
phone: +49 177 2675746
mailto:oliver.graeser at uni-konstanz.de

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