[ptx] Processing RAW files for use in hugin

Bruno Postle bruno at postle.net
Wed Jul 26 11:53:27 BST 2006

Attached is the current version of the shell script I use to process 
my camera RAW files.

Basically, it creates a rotated deflate-compressed 16bit TIFF file 
that is gamma, tca and vignetting corrected.  I rotate it because I 
typically shoot portrait orientation.

You will need to determine your own TCA and vignetting parameters as 
mine will probably make your images worse rather than better:


It also copies over any EXIF metadata, bzips the RAW file and 
creates a JPEG proof.  The idea is to create control points with the 
JPEG files, which load quicker and work with autopano-sift, I just 
modify the filenames in the .pto file before final stitching with 
the TIFF files themselves.  After that I delete the JPEG and TIFF 
files as they are easily recreated.

You will need dcraw, ImageMagick, fulla (from a recent version of 
hugin), libtiff, exiftool and bzip2.



# Takes camera RAW files, creates rotated zip compressed TIFF files.
# Corrects gamma, tca and vignetting for Nikon D100 / peleng 8mm.

# IMPORTANT:  Change the fulla parameters to suit your equipment

# Bruno Postle 2006-07-20

for FILE

STUB=`echo $FILE | sed 's/\([[:alnum:]]\)\..*/\1/'`

chmod -x $FILE
dcraw -z $FILE

# Import the RAW file
dcraw -w -4 $FILE

# Create a rotated and gamma corrected TIFF file
convert -rotate '270' -gamma '2.2' $STUB.ppm rotate.$$.tif

# Correct TCA and vignetting
fulla  -r 0:0:0.0005628:1.0001510 \
       -b 0:0:-0.0002598:1.0010922 \
       -c 1:0.198:-0.509:0.2 \
       -i 2.2 \
       -o tca.$$.tif \
       rotate.$$.tif > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

# Deflate compress the TIFF file
tiffcp -c zip tca.$$.tif zip.$$.tif
mv zip.$$.tif $STUB.tif

# Create a JPEG 'proof'
convert -depth 8 $STUB.tif $STUB.jpg

# Transfer metadata lost in PPM stage
exiftool -q -q -tagsfromfile $FILE \
         -overwrite_original_in_place \
         -exif:all -author=$USER $STUB.tif $STUB.jpg
touch --reference=$FILE $STUB.tif $STUB.jpg

# Clean-up temporary files
rm $STUB.ppm rotate.$$.tif tca.$$.tif

# Compress the RAW file, we don't need it any more
bzip2 $FILE

echo "Created $STUB.tif, $STUB.jpg `date`"


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