[ptx] Hugin under OS X problems

dmg dmgerman at uvic.ca
Mon Apr 17 04:03:40 BST 2006

Hi everybody,

I finally found the time to try the Universal binary posted by
Ippei (HuginOSX-v05u2.zip).

Unfortunately I am having problems with it. 

The panorama is a facade of building, and I walked parallel to the
building for each photo. So I want to use x,y shift (d,e).

I use "custom parameters below" and set all but the central photo (7)
(y, p, and r). I have set the photos to use 8 lenses (they were all
taken with the same lens, but I want each to have different d, e

To make the story short: I run the optimization, and sometimes it
seems to not do it at all (I am not sure when). 

Using ps, the process seems to have finished (no CPU consumption but
still running). There is PT_script.txt file created.

Hugin is not waiting for the process, I can continue using it (which
is a bad thing). At the beginning I thought it was just not running!

If I kill the process Hugin displays the results from the

This is in a G5.

I am going to try it in my Linux box.


Daniel M. German                  "Dare to know!"
                                   Immanuel Kant
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


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