[ptx] Alternative fisheye projections

Daniel M. German dmgerman at uvic.ca
Sat Apr 1 10:53:21 BST 2006

Hi Bruno,

Are they fisheye or are they 360/180 degrees panoramas that are
projected into a cone?

I have experimented with it too and I you can control the amount of
space in the center by simply removing a strip from the bottom of the
panorama before its is projected into a cone. The problem (sometimes)
is that the center  is not smooth and instead it becomes the
intersection of many lines. But, at the end, I think it is a creative
decision. I certainly like the panoramas.

Have anybody seen the books 360 Degrees (Paris|London|New York)? I
think the photographer's last name is Wood (I don't have Internet
connection now).  Very inspiring.

 Bruno> Hugin can now create fisheye images which is great, here is one I 
 Bruno> prepared earlier:

 Bruno> http://bugbear.blackfish.org.uk/~bruno/fishfix/074-098-fisheye.jpg

 Bruno> ...but true fisheye images have a problem that the edges appear very 
 Bruno> "squashed".  I occasionally see fisheye-like images that don't have 
 Bruno> this distortion, there are a whole load on this site:

 Bruno> http://digitalurban.blogspot.com/2005/11/navy-pier-chicago-panorama.html
 Bruno> http://digitalurban.blogspot.com/2006/02/hidden-london-series-london-roof-tops.html

 Bruno> I think the cartographic name for this is "conformal" meaning that 
 Bruno> any small part of the image shows hardly any shape distortion.

 Bruno> I've tried scripting this conversion with mixed results, here's an 
 Bruno> example:

 Bruno> http://bugbear.blackfish.org.uk/~bruno/fishfix/074-098-fisheye-fixed.jpg
 Bruno> http://bugbear.blackfish.org.uk/~bruno/fishfix/

 Bruno> This looks much better to me, but I know that the math is wrong (the 
 Bruno> picture gets "pinched" in the middle).  Does anyone have any idea 
 Bruno> how to do this properly?

 Bruno> -- 
 Bruno> Bruno

Daniel M. German                  "In questions of science the authority of
                                   a thousand is not worth the humble
   Galileo ->                      reasoning of a single individual."
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


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