[ptx] GUI Cross Platform Development

Daniel Griscom griscom at suitable.com
Sat Mar 5 02:13:58 GMT 2005

At 2:30 PM -0800 3/4/05, Hal V Engel wrote:
>On Friday 04 March 2005 08:04 am, Marek Januszewski wrote:
>>  I think gtk would be third most portable after qt and wxwidgets.
>>  I'm not sure how does it work on mac, but it seems they made a good
>>  progress recently.
>GTK+ is used by GIMP and many Mac users use GIMP.  So porting a GTK+ based app
>to the Mac should not be a problem.

[Rewritten from a message I sent a while ago...]

I believe Gimp on the Mac runs under X-Windows. There is a project to 
port GTK 1.2 to native OS X, but I'm guessing you all would prefer to 
use GTK 2.0.

I'd love to see your project become the de facto panorama stitcher on 
many platforms, but the vast majority of Mac users (as Windows users) 
don't know about X Windows, and wouldn't be able to run an X 
Windows-based app. Even those that can would find it unwieldy, having 
to work with two different windowing systems. Since your target 
audience is photographers rather than Unix pros, I think you'd be 
greatly limiting who could use it.

I'm unlikely to ever contribute to the project (except as a critic), 
but as an end-user I'd love to see it based on a toolkit that could 
generate a native Mac (and Win) application.

Daniel T. Griscom             griscom at suitable.com
Suitable Systems              http://www.suitable.com/
1 Centre Street, Suite 204    (781) 665-0053
Wakefield, MA  01880-2400

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