[ptx] HuginOSX new snapshot

JD Smith jdsmith at as.arizona.edu
Tue Jun 21 07:49:18 BST 2005

On Jun 14, 2005, at 3:55 PM, Ippei UKAI wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have just uploaded a snapshot build of HuginOSX that is to be 
> probably the last independent build before being released together 
> with other platforms, and the first to be available from hugin's 
> SourceForge project page.
> The purpose of this snapshot is to get quick feedback on the the 
> following two points before the 0.5rc2 release: 1.the way hugin should 
> be packaged for OSX environment, and 2.many Mac-specific 
> bug-fixes/improvements since the last OSXbeta.
> If you could try out this snapshot and give me your feedback, I would 
> appreciate it.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/download
> Please note this is a snapshot aimed for above mentioned specific 
> purposes, and is not meant to have as much quality as beta releases.
> This snapshot reflects all the changes made on hugin's CVS including 
> GUI improvements, Japanese Localisation, and many bug fixes. (It is 
> likely that this snapshot is more stable than the previous OSXbeta 
> releases, therefore.)

Hi Ippei:

I took a look.  Things seem to work well.

The one big issue I have is I really don't like the new autopano-sift 
packaging.  I tried the "PutAutoPanoSiftToHuginOSX" script, but it 
failed with an error like "not available".  The following HOWTO 
instructions require editing the autopano-complete script.  I'm just 
not seeing why all of this is necessary, and it was actually more 
difficult to get ap-s running this time than in an earlier pre-release.

I'm not sure why the front end script needed changing for the mac, but 
it might be best to get the necessary changes accommodated in the 
official autopano-complete.sh script that Sebastian distributes.  Then, 
all HuginOSX would need to ask is where is the autopano-sift/ 
directory.  The structure inside of that is relatively fixed, so it's 
all that is needed, and is far more intuitive.  I ended up digging the 
autopano-complete-mac.sh script out of the .app bundle, and putting it 
alongside the autopano-complete.sh script in the autopano-sift package, 
and changing to:

  AUTOPANO_PATH=`dirname "$0"`

then selecting that for the script in HuginOSX Preferences.

A few other things:

Adding .pto if it's not there in the save file would also match other 
Mac app behavior.

If column headers cannot be auto-sized to avoid cutting off the header 
text, perhaps saving the user adjusted size for the next run would be a 
good alternative.

I did get a single crash on optimize which I had never seen before.  
After the first optimize run, the window which reports the optimize 
success and asks to apply it is crowded with text and buttons 
overlapping, and HuginOSX crashed.

The anchor position window pop-up now works perfectly (though I'm not 
sure if you are supposed to be able to adjust roll).

When deleting control points, it would be nice if: 1) backspace and 
delete were equivalent (now I use Fn-Delete to get a real delete), and 
2) it works whether the image pane or the CP list is selected, so long 
as there is a selected CP.

It might be nice if there were an option available via Hugin for 
allowing autopano-sift to refine its own control points in advance 
(though I love the correlation coeff that Hugin gives, which allows you 
to quickly sort out some bad CPs a priori).

If you could move the crosshairs in the Panorama druid, or 
alternatively get another set on mouse-down, this would let you 
evaluate horizon straightness more effectively.

Very nice work.



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