[ptx] .jpe suffix patch fix

Stanislav Brabec utx at penguin.cz
Mon Jun 13 20:53:21 BST 2005

My intention of the patch is simple - I only want to create panoramas
with unchanged and not renamed images from my camera (and other camera
models). All other programs in my computer I use daily know about .jpe -
Shared MIME Info (and whole GNOME) knows about .jpe, GIMP knows
about .jpe. Only Hugin/nona does not. Standard says nothing about JFIF
file name suffix and all three forms JPG, JPEG, JPE are common.

Hal V Engel wrote: 
> In addition I 
> don't know of any color management aware program that uses the file extension 
> to in anyway change it's behavior with regard to color management and non-CM 
> aware software simply ignores any CM data embedded in the image file 
> regardless of the file extension.
If I understand correctly the JPE rationale, it is probably a Windows
trick - Windows associate .JPG with image viewer. But Photoshop
assiciates .JPE, too. It means, that .JPE files are opened by Photoshop
as default. 

Shared MIME Info:
  <mime-type type="image/jpeg">
    <comment>JPEG image</comment>
    <magic priority="50">
      <match value="\377\330\377" type="string" offset="0"/>
      <match value="0xffd8" type="big16" offset="0"/>
    <glob pattern="*.jpeg"/>
    <glob pattern="*.jpg"/>
    <glob pattern="*.jpe"/>

  gimp_register_magic_load_handler ("file_jpeg_load",


Stanislav Brabec

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