[ptx] autopano-sift 2.1 released: bugfixes and integration

Sebastian Nowozin nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de
Tue Nov 16 15:56:47 GMT 2004

Hello panorama enthusiasts,

I am pleased to announce a new version of autopano-sift has just been
released, version 2.1.

The most important changes are compatible options to both the Windows and Unix
GUIs that will ease further integration with hugin.  Also good bugfix has been
send to me by Jesse Baker, which removes a bug in the SIFT descriptor creation
process and results in a 10% match count improvement.

Check it out, at the usual location:


The detailed CHANGES:

autopano-sift 2.1, libsift 1.7

  * Fix "always-align" bug in Windows GUI, thanks to a report from
    Joerg Rosenkranz (Joerg dot Rosenkranz at web dot de)
  * Fix the file list view in the Windows GUI to sort the files based on the
    filename.  Maybe an additional drag-and-drop sorting would be nice.
  * Fix a bug in keypoint descriptor generation, where the rotation was not
    calculated correctly.  This leads to more correct matches.  Thanks for the
    report and fix from Jesse Baker (jtb5 at cs dot waikato dot ac dot nz).
  * Fix so usage is printed if "-h" is passed to autopano.exe

  + Add command line parameters to the GUI to be invoked from third party
    programs for easier integration with them:
      a) --output <filepath>, preset the PTO output file
      b) --absolute, use absolute pathnames in the PTO output file
      c) --imagelist <list.txt>, read input images from textfile
      d) image filenames can also be read from command line

Pablo, can you comment on the command line options?  I deliberately did not
introduce what I first said ("filenames piped into the program"), as on
further thought it might be difficult to realize in a portable way.  I think
the list to tmp-file option is easy to implement and will work well


nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de --- http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/

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