[ptx] Quick question: morphing from hugin?

Ed Halley ed at halley.cc
Tue May 18 13:46:11 BST 2004

On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 03:30, Mike Runge wrote:
> here's a tutorial that describes how to use PTMorpher:
> http://www.4pi.org/tutorial/ptmorpher.html
> I think the thing missing in hugin to write an inputfile for PTStitcher are
> possibility to define triangles.
> The strength of hugin in from point of view are the helpers for point
> creation and the preview. Don't know, if it would make much sense to support
> PTMorpher?!

Automatic triangulation given two images of the same scene should be
trivial:  decide the set of control points in projected space, and run
Delaunay's triangulation method on it.  The results should be identical
for almost all sets of points if the error is within a few pixels.


I have a Perl implementation of Delaunay's method (which I didn't write,
but was going to publish to CPAN for the author).

[ e d @ h a l l e y . c c ]

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