[ptx] Quick question: morphing from hugin?

Mike Runge mike at trozzreaxxion.net
Tue May 18 08:30:17 BST 2004


here's a tutorial that describes how to use PTMorpher:

I think the thing missing in hugin to write an inputfile for PTStitcher are
possibility to define triangles.

The strength of hugin in from point of view are the helpers for point
creation and the preview. Don't know, if it would make much sense to support

best, mike
On 5/18/2004, "Sebastian Nowozin" <nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de> wrote:

>as others are discussing morphing of control points on this list, I am
>as I did not even knew such feature existed. Does it do what it sounds like
>("distort the image until there is no difference between control points") ?
>As hugin GUI user I am not familar with the PT* commandline usage. How
>one go from having hugin write a simple-optimized .pto file to stitching an
>image with morphing using PT* tools?
>Thanks for helping,
>nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de --- http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/

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