[ptx] beta version available for pano12.dll with improved optimizer

Bruno Postle bruno at postle.net
Tue May 18 12:05:48 BST 2004

On Mon 17-May-2004 at 12:06, Vaj Akos wrote:
> Does anyone find pleasure in recreating hugin RPMs for the
> linux users with the new optimiser?

Ok, though the changes are not in hugin, but in the pano12 library.
The new library seems to be ok with recent versions of hugin and
very fast too - I thought there was something wrong initially.

I've built this version of panorama-tools using the sourceforge CVS
with Rik's patch applied, so please report any flakeyness:


Note that this package just includes the pano12 library and
PTOptimizer; if you want PTStitcher and all the other binary-only
stuff, then you need to get the panorama-tools-nonfree package as


Current hugin RPMs for fedora require this panorama-tools-nonfree
package.  This dependency is actually unnecessary, I'll remove it
when I next put together a working hugin package (current hugin CVS
segfaults on me, so this hasn't been updated for a month or so).

Just a reminder that there are now RPMs for a complete open-source
panorama stitching toolchain:

  autopano-sift - automatic feature-matching pre-processor
  hugin - gui including the nona stitcher
  panorama-tools - pano12 library and PTOptimizer
  enblend - image blending with multiresolution splines


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