[ptx] hugin

Vaj Akos debian at freemail.hu
Thu May 6 15:00:48 BST 2004

On May  6 15:42, Pablo d'Angelo wrote:
> > the interface is still not friendly.
> > Needs improvement in selecting the points...
> What is you main concern with the selection?

I had probles in case of heavily distorted or rotated images. 
The present auto-positioning could not find the same place, i
had to swich of "auto fine tune".
A possibly improvement can be a sift based fine-tune: each
mouse click could choose the closest image feature. Or the
features can be marked to help the user to choose the points, that
can be easily identified.
This would be the other approach of autopano. Autopano chooses
some points and the user deletes the wrong pairs. But this
solution give just hints to the user for his selection.

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