improved preview [Re: new features (estimate ala PanoPoints)]

Pablo d'Angelo pablo at
Mon Oct 27 13:57:35 GMT 2003

On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, Ed Halley wrote:

> On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 04:43, Peter Suetterlin wrote:
> Actually, when I first saw the preview pane, I thought it was just
> asking panotools to run a much-reduced, much-simplified version of the
> job in the background:  small output dimensions, no interpolation, no
> feathering, no color control, and only thumbnail image sources.
> I see that's not the case now, but maybe it could/should be revisited to
> simplify the preview code while getting better results.

which leads to a reimplementation of small PTStitcher. How would you
simplify the preview code and add the features? I thought I have taken the
path of least resistance with the current implementation. :)

this needs some more interface code to create a pano tools Transform stack,
from my Panorama class, which is probably needed by other parts as well,
like the outline calculation and some other stuff as well.

If you feel like digging in the pano12 library a little bit, please go ahead

Another way would be to reimplement all the transforms/projections supported
by pano tools, but thats also time consuming.

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