[ptx] Compiling vigra on Windows with MinGW

Yili Zhao ylzhao at vip.sina.com
Tue Nov 25 14:20:41 GMT 2003

  I tried to compile vigra on Windows with MinGW, and I want to
vigra with zlib, png, tiff, jpeg and fftw support. I have compiled
fftw-2.1.3 on Windows successfully, then I compiled vigra using the 
libraries and headfiles supplied by pt, but vigra said that the libpng
version was old. I turned to use the libraries and headfiles supplied
by wxWindows, but found that wxWindows compiled zlib to libzlib.a, not
libz.a library. I renamed it, but vigra compiling also failed. I want to
know where can I find the latest sourcecode of zlib, png, tiff and jpeg


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