Automatically prefix the postings?

thp poehler at
Fri Nov 14 11:35:03 GMT 2003

>The header of these list mails contain a "List-Id: ..." which makes an
>excellent filter criteria. The problem with the subject tagging is that if
>someone replies to you personally you will also filter it into the List folder;
>and might not see it for quite a while if it's a list like PanoTools ;)
That's true! But I think for those who have access to header proerties 
as filter criteria it's no problem. You could have two filters for the 
[ptx] mails to decide wether it's a list mail or a personal mail. For 
those people that do not have access it would be a problem, that's true. 
But we're not talking about PanoTools list here. I think everyone checks 
the PtX-List at least every hour! ;)

>[...] -- but I know that this is only useful for someone who can access .procmail et al,
>Outlook appears not to be able to filter based on headers.
Even worse: I do use a freemail service that has an automatic spam 
filtering mechanism. A lot of the ptx mails are identified as 
potentially spam mail and filtered to a special folder. It's really a 
mess ordering the mails afterwards.
But, it was only a propposal. If the majority doesn't want the 
prefix,... that's life!



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