other stuff on sf

Kai-Uwe Behrmann Kai-Uwe Behrmann <web@tiscali.de>
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 09:49:15 +0100 (MET)

Hi listeners,

Hopefully is there any interesst on our tool for linux.
I just was during the summer and autumn very busy.
I was testing the available tools for the pt-collection.
On sf exists on project with sources for win:


the design is the same as ptx / PTgui / ptMac.
Maybe for further activities it is good to merge the projects.
They have the same target - an open source gui for the panotools.
I'm shure to continue and hope to here from anybody else.

By the way now filmgimp works for my with layered tiff's wich are produced
by typing:
 # tiffcp 0000.tif 0001.tif 0002.tif  result.tif; filmgimp result.tif
and oops all ptstitcher-produced images are ready for retouching in an
16bit environment each over the other.
filmgimp: <http://filmgimp.sourceforge.net>

!!!By the way the abability to load the prepared tiff's is only available
with an patch of mine. If You have really interesst befor the upcoming
filmgimp-0.9, wich hopefully will include this patch, send simply an
email. I will post You the file. Afterward it's necessery to compile
tiff.c .
For me it worked in the sourcetree fine.

Best Regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann