mock-up of a panorama gui interface

Bruno Postle
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 10:35:58 +0100

On Wed 17-Apr-2002 at 06:00:57 -0700, Ianiv Schweber wrote:
> Control Points:
> I like the zoom boxes for each control point. What are the methods for
> adding a ontrol point? One way is clicking the Add button, what about
> clicking on the image?

In ptgui, there are two modes:  'auto add' where you just click on the
images and the points appear and 'normal' where you have to click [add]
each time.

> What are the numbers in the distance column? As I've said before, I
> haven't used the tools much...

This is the feedback from ptoptimizer (I copy-pasted it out of ptgui),
it lets you know how accurate your stiching is.  New points don't have a
value until after the first optimizer run.

> What do you think of having a combo box instead of the tabs for the
> left and right images? I think it would look cleaner.

That is how it is done with ptmac, in fact, that is the only difference
I can see between ptmac and ptgui.  I have no preference either way.

> I'm going to try to find out how to use all the stuff in libpano so we
> can generate all those preview images.

It will be interesting to see what stuff is in there.  It seems like a
big bag of mixed up java, gui and math code.

> I'm leaning towards implementing the gui using Qt, just because I
> started using the toolkit recently and this project is a good way to
> learn how to use it better.

Fine, I'm not proposing anyone develops my glade project, since I'm sure
it's all been put together wrong :-)
