
Ianiv Schweber
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 12:41:34 -0700

On Sun, Apr 14, 2002 at 10:24:19PM +0300, Martin 'pisi' Paljak wrote:
> gnu compilers, we can freely use pascal and c and c++ etc. I suggest c.

> A toolkit is needed I guess. Qt, If I'm not mistaken, is not-as-free as
> gtk, but... For example, I'd even suggest Athena widgets :) I may say I
> like them even... for some strange and nostalgic reason..

I like Qt, it even works on OSX and Windows. If we use it then we will
have to use c++ for the gui code.

> Savannah/sf will help out. savannah is even better I guess (as I've heard
> faster and with not so many freaky problems as sf)

No preference. If you think Savannah is better (I haven't used either)
then lets use Savannah.

> First of all, the scripts formats differ a little afaik (practical
> experience - I have had problems with ptpicker/pteditor/ptgui and script
> exchange). XML first of all is not so cryptic to edit with your editor, it
> can be used easily with other applications and it's easy to use it
> for us also (no need for complex parsesrs etc). And it represents by
> default the structure of the data as it really is.

I don't have much experience with the scripts so I'll believe you :)
I do agree with the fact that XML is easier to read and use.

> libxml2 from gnome project?  ( I think that's the only one
> available that really can do thework and that's smart enough.

libxml2 sounds good. But if we use Qt we should look at the XML API it