[OccupySheffield] Party this: UKUncut's Great British Street Party at Nick Clegg's, 26 May

David Kirkham sheffield.uncut at hotmail.co.uk
Mon May 21 21:57:31 GMT 2012

Have you seen our call-out video for the Great British Street Party at Nick Clegg's, 26 May?

Press Release:
Sheffield Uncut to hold protest ‘Street Party’ at Nick Clegg’s constituency
office on May 26.

For Immediate Release

Tel: Sheffield Uncut Media Phone 07999 888767

Twitter: @SheffieldUncut1

Email: sheffield.uncut at hotmail.co.uk


Uncut[1], part of UK Uncut[2], the anti-cuts direct action group, has today
announced a plan to hold a protest at Nick Clegg’s constituency office on May


Uncut’s action is part of a national day of action by UK Uncut with actions planned
all over the country. The group, best known for targeting tax dodgers[3], will
hold ‘street parties with a twist’ in major towns and cities across the UK in
the run up to the Jubilee and Olympics which will ‘resist the cuts and
celebrate a future that is decided by us, not a handful of billionaires'[4].

In a statement on their website, UK Uncut drew heavily on parallels with
British society in 1948, the year when the Olympics were last held in Britain.
They stated that although Britain’s post-war national debt was much higher than
it is today, there was a future for people to look forward to. This included
free universal health care, a new welfare state- that would protect and support
the most marginalised in society- and human rights. They argue that these are
being axed by the present government and that people can choose to fight for a
future which they decide[5].


 Amy Taylor, 31 of
Sheffield Uncut, said:

‘In 1948 people had something to look forward to. Back then
we were faced with a much worse economic situation, but we built the NHS,
housing and the welfare state, to ensure that the future looked brighter for
everyone, no matter what their income, age or background.  Fast forward to 2012, we’re witnessing the biggest
assault on the pinnacles of post-war achievement in our country and we’re in another
recession. Blame for this lies squarely at the door of politicians like Nick
Clegg, so we’re bringing the protest to his door. We’re going to party like it
is 1948 to teach Clegg a history lesson.’

Lorraine Alcock, 48, a local resident who will attend the
event on the day, said:

‘We want to bring this fight right to Nick Clegg to show
that the people of Sheffield will not put up with his cuts agenda. Clegg’s
policy of cuts and forced austerity is doing nothing for Sheffield, he’s
driving us straight into recession. He’s only concerned with pleasing his
friends in Westminster.’



[1] http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002463157419

[2] http://ukuncut.org.uk/ 

[3] http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ac853166-06f2-11e1-90de-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1uwjEml7S

[4] http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/apr/11/spending-cuts-uk-uncut-street


[5] http://ukuncut.org.uk/blog

  Sheffield Uncut 


      UK Uncut is a grassroots movement taking action to highlight alternatives to the government's spending cuts      To keep up to date, follow us on Facebook      and Twitter      You can also sign up to receive emails when someone lists an action near you    

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