[OccupySheffield] FW: [OccupySheffieldPrivate] hi/ info request

Sarah Wild flyingtroutx at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 27 19:31:54 GMT 2012

Hello all, this is the email back from Andy who is the oral history, mentioned in the meeting on Monday. 
I've emailed him to say that the GA discussed his idea and he should come along, but obviously it's up to individuals if they want to speak to him on the day. 
Would be awesome if as many people as possible spoke to him so we can make sure Occupy is well stamped on Sheffield's history :) 

Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 13:12:14 +0100
From: dr_andrewgreen at yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Re: [OccupySheffieldPrivate] hi/ info request
To: flyingtroutx at hotmail.com

hey there sarah!
Thanks very much for your response, its very kind of you to get back to me. I'm at work today in Birmingham Central Library,
so I'm afraid I wont be able to make it to your meeting at 6.30. However, I'm pretty sure that I could make it along to you
occupicnic on sunday, if you thought that was a good idea.  
I should add that I'm not any kind of an official journalist- and I really dont expect anyone to take the pressure of expounding the 
whole philosophy of the occupy movement for sheffield ! (althought if someone really wants to, then fine!). 
As an 'oral historian', I'm more interested in capturing some of the human stories and experiences that have happened with the 
camps etc. So basically, I'm happy to talk to anyone who wants to share any stories. 
A small group of 3 or so people could be recorded as a collective chat, or a small number of one to one chats would also be great.
However, I wouldnt be looking for any more than say, 2 or 3 people to talk to on this occasion. If there's just one person, then great!
Shorter recordings normally take between 15-30 minutes. Some longer conversations take about 45 mins to 1hr.
I hope this give you a bit more information for your meeting!
All the best
Andy Green

From: Sarah Wild <flyingtroutx at hotmail.com>
To: dr_andrewgreen at yahoo.co.uk 
Sent: Monday, 26 March 2012, 12:46
Subject: RE: [OccupySheffieldPrivate] hi/ info request

Hi Andy, 
I think this sounds like a great idea. We have a general assembly tonight at 6.30pm at the Quaker Meeting House if you could come along. If not, could you give me a ring (after 4.30pm) on 07980185337 and I'll take your adea to the meeting. 
We have an 'Occupicnic' on Sunday so maybe this could be an opportunity to make recordings. 
Apologies if anyone has already replied. 

Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 10:37:40 +0100
From: dr_andrewgreen at yahoo.co.uk
To: info at occupysheffield.org.uk
Subject: [OccupySheffieldPrivate] hi/ info request

Hi there-
Just a quick question or so to any of those in the occupy sheffield camps
1. Has the camp now been officially disbanded?
2. As a local oral historian, I'm interested in recording an informal conversation with anyone who stays/ did stay in the sheffield camp.
This would form part of a project and archive that documents working life in the city for future generations to learn more about. 
I was looking to do some recordings this coming weekend, if possible. 
I can supply any more details necessary, but for now I'll keep this short as I dont know if this address is still actively used.
All the best
Andy Green
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