[OccupySheffield] Health and Social Care

Rick B soisthesun at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 18:34:35 GMT 2012

Dear People

I received an email from 'Going to Work', part of the TUC, regarding the
Health and Social Care Bill. I was asked to contact a Peer. I have done so,
please feel free to read my message to 'Lord' Marks of Henley-on-Thames,
below. The link to the website is: http://www.goingtowork.org.uk/ in-case
you too feel like contacting a Peer.

Many thanks

Rick B

Dear Lord Marks,

I am writing to you to ask for you to reject the Health & Social Care Bill.

There was a template for this email. I have deleted it. My position may be
unusual, but neither do I support the Government stance, nor the stance of
the supporters of current NHS provision.

My father worked all his working life for the NHS, I will always support
it. I am completely against profit making out of peoples ill health. I
think it is disgraceful.

The government has noticed the NHS is rather poor. I agree, however, their
remedy is to make it even worse. This cannot happen.

The campaigners against the bill say the NHS is great and should be left
alone. I disagree. The NHS is in a sorry state. There is lots of talk of
'joined-up care'. Let me tell you, from personal experience, joined-up care
does not exist. The NHS is sick, it needs improving, it needs investment,
though not through private intervention.

There is lots of rhetoric from government spin about how there are no
alternatives. This is rubbish. There are so many alternatives to all this
austerity and poor-bashing. I have on many occasions contacted MPs through
social media sites with alternatives. I am sure I am not alone.

Each time, I am completely ignored. This is unacceptable. We are supposed
to be living in a democratic political system. The MPs are supposed to
represent the people (all the people, not just the rich and powerful).

There is money-a-plenty in the UK, just it has been concentrated in the
hands of the few for far too long, and they want to keep it, they want to
keep the status quo.

I am writing a thesis on poverty in the UK. Without affluence, without
excess wealth, there would not be poverty. Poverty is caused by affluence,
affluence is caused by capitalism. Inequality is good for capitalism.

I don't know you, I don't know if you have a background in politics. I have
been studying political science for 7 years. I have learnt quite a lot in
that time.

I am disabled and unlikely to find meaningful employment any time soon. I
expect the state would like me to work for nothing in some dead-end role.

I need the NHS, I need state support. I obey the law. I know all about
social contract theory. I know why the population obeys the law. Half of
that contract seems to have gone missing. If you see Mr Cameron or Mr Clegg
any time soon, perhaps you would be so kind to ask for me 'Where has it

Yours sincerely,

R E Butler

*R E Butler*
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