[OccupySheffield] Fairness Commission

Dave Havard deacondave777 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 10:01:18 GMT 2012

Just received this from Kate Plant at CAP.  Worth considering eh ?

I have this as 2 files if anyone wants that but I won't post direct to
list. Ask me.

Good proposals from last night's GA.  See you soon !

D Dave

*Sheffield Fairness Commission*

 *Call for Evidence*

 The Fairness Commission is being established by Sheffield City Council to
make a non-partisan strategic assessment of the nature, extent, causes and
impact of inequalities in the City and to make recommendations for tackling
them. The Commission will operate in a similar way to that of a
Parliamentary Select Committee, mounting a short focussed inquiry, taking
evidence and producing a final report by September 2012.

 *The Commission now invites submissions by 4**th** April 2012 on the
following questions from any individual or organisation with an interest in


   What specific evidence do you hold about inequalities and fairness that
   may be of use to the Commission?


   Based on your evidence what is your or your organisation’s analysis of
   the cause/s of inequalities within Sheffield?


   Are there any examples of good practice in relation to reducing
   inequalities and increasing fairness (from within the city, elsewhere in
   the UK, or overseas) that the Commission should be aware of?


   What do you or your organisation believe would be the best way to tackle
   inequalities and increase fairness in the city?


   What should be the top 3 priorities for the city?

 Please limit your submission to a maximum of 2500 words and it would be
helpful if you could provide a bullet point summary at the start.

 The Commission is particularly interested in the following issues: health
inequalities, poverty, welfare and benefits, employment, unemployment,
aspiration, attainment and skills, housing and environmental issues, voice,
participation and inclusion, access to services and transport. The second
meeting of the Commission will focus on health inequalities therefore if
you wish to submit evidence on health inequalities this should be with us
by 21st March.

 We plan to publish all the written evidence that is submitted to the
Commission. We will not publish the personal details of individuals but we
do intend to publish the names of organisations who submit evidence.

 To submit evidence or for more information about the work of the
Commission please contact:

 email: *fairness.commission at sheffield.gov.uk*

post: Fairness Commission, Policy, Partnerships & Research

Sheffield City Council, Town Hall, Sheffield, S1 2HH

internet: *www.sheffield.gov.uk/fairnesscommission*

 The Commission will invite a number of individuals and organisations to
give oral evidence. If you are willing to provide oral evidence please
indicate this in your covering letter or email. Unfortunately it will not
be possible for the Commission to hear oral evidence from everyone who is
willing to provide it.

 If you wish to submit evidence that you believe is sensitive and needs to
remain confidential please state this clearly and outline the reasons why
you believe the information should not be made public. You should be aware
that evidence submitted to the Fairness Commission could be subject to a
Freedom of Information request.
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