[OccupySheffield] Fwd: [INT] Important Global Meeting this Saturday 7pm UTC - English

jamie kelsey-fry lsxcamp at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 14:30:23 GMT 2012

Hi all

Apologies if you have already received this email. Wanted to make sure the
message had gone out to all the UK and Ireland contacts that may be
interested in having people take part in this.

Global tech probably needs to go first, get the infrastructure sorted, so
my feeling would be to emphasize this.

All the best

LSX Outreach

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jay/Global Assemblies <ga at wc.tc>
Date: Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 3:36 AM
Subject: [INT] Important Global Meeting this Saturday 7pm UTC - English
To: LondonInternationalCommission <
LondonInternationalCommission at groupspaces.com>,
squares at lists.takethesquare.net, occupyusa at googlegroups.com,
occupynorthamerica at googlegroups.com, occupycallplanning at googlegroups.com,
ows_solutions <ows_solutions at freenetworkfoundation.org>,
interocc at occupyeverywhere.org, occupycalifornia at googlegroups.org

Hi Everyone,

I want you all to know that this upcoming Saturday January 7th, 2012 at 7
UTC there will be a very important Global meeting in English.

Please mark your calendars for this Saturday at 7pm UTC.  I know we are all
busy, I myself am quadruple booked at that time, but I have to make this
meeting my priority.

We are expecting 50+ people at the meeting, and will be making important
internal decisions that set some big projects in motion.

We will be having about 1 hour with the whole group, and then most likely,
if we can get consensus, break apart into a Global Tech Meeting, Global Day
of Action Planning Meeting, Global Translation/Outreach Meeting, and a
Global Long-Term Strategic Planning Meeting.

If there are only 20 or less people in the meeting, we will be exclusively
focusing on the Global Tech Call as people involved in very important
global internet applications will be in the meeting discussing how to
inter-connect open-source web applications and internet communications
between many web based projects.

Real Time Translation will be set up into other languages if possible, and
if translators want to help do that.

More information will be emailed out VERY soon with the Full Agenda and
detailed internal proposals.

Additionally there will be a scheduling form to schedule future meetings at
the time that works for the most people across the world.

The meeting will take place most likely on the Take the Square mumble
server, this info and other details will be provided on the next email
coming soon.

So for now, mark your calendars for this Saturday at 7pm UTC.

Please help spread the word, especially on Facebook, Twitter and other
social networks, cause I certainly am not going to do that cause I just
don't have time or any expertise.



 Jay Blas Jacob Cabrera
(415) 323-5833
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