[OccupySheffield] [Occupy London] Re: [INT] Fwd: [Squares] MAYDAY! MAYDAY!

niel at squat.net niel at squat.net
Sun Jan 1 15:56:43 GMT 2012

The alternative, non-exploitative modes of value-creation already exist
George, I don't know in a big capitalist city like London but in north of
Spain, south of France or north of Italy you can find a lot of autonomous
communities, eco-industries, organic farms, alternatives currencies and
bank of time, holistic cooperatives...
And in south America, central America, India, in the pacific, we don't
need to build an economic reality alternative to the dominant system from
zero, the challenge as you said is to link this initiatives, at least to
share the knowledge but also the resources if possible.
I have a lot of friends who give up the fight because they already live in
their utopia, they don't need to camp or fight everyday, they don't need
us but we need them.
A lot of people in 'Occupy' movement say that they are anti-capitalists
but I don't see/listen/read them investigating about the post-capitalist
projects/world... Protesting is easy, the challenge now is to be/live
coherent with our fight.

> you raise an important point George!
> Sent from phone
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "George Por" <george at community-intelligence.com>
> Sender: OccupyLondon at groupspaces.com
> Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 10:51:46
> To: jamie kelsey-fry<lsxcamp at gmail.com>;
> <LondonInternationalCommission at groupspaces.com>
> Reply-To: george at community-intelligence.com
> Cc: occupylondon at groupspaces.com<OccupyLondon at groupspaces.com>;
> <occupysheffield at email-lists.org>; <oh15 at googlegroups.com>
> Subject: Re: [Occupy London] Re: [INT] Fwd: [Squares] MAYDAY! MAYDAY!
> Hmm... continuous strike? how will the 99% make a living without the
> alternative, non-exploitative modes of value-creation being in place?
> Call outs are easy; building an economic reality alternative to the
> dominant
> system is challenging! Yet what is challenging appeals me more than what
> is
> easy...
> george
>> Wow
>> I am with that Mayday call out 100%. 
>> "a continuous strike, a permanent
>> withdrawal from the current system, a signal for all those who feel
>> their work to be meaningless and unsatisfying, to switch to
>> alternative means which are beneficial to the whole community, to
>> support themselves and their families"
>> To me, this is the profound escalation that the movement needs.
>> Brilliant.
>> Between now and May, there is enough time to make this happen as long as
>> it
>> becomes the focus globally very soon. Definitely something for
>> Sheffield?
>> Best
>> Jamie  
>> On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Mark Barrett
>> <marknbarrett at googlemail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> It is obvious we are headed for disaster unless we change course
>>> drastically, and we don't have a lot of time. A project is being
>>> discussed internationally in the Occupy movement - Global Strike May
>>> 2012. What we are proposing is a continuous strike, a permanent
>>> withdrawal from the current system, a signal for all those who feel
>>> their work to be meaningless and unsatisfying, to switch to
>>> alternative means which are beneficial to the whole community, to
>>> support themselves and their families. In order to make this feasible
>>> this alternative system needs to be up and running by May 2012.
>>> Outrageous! Impossible! I agree with you. Nevertheless it has to
>>> happen if we are serious about moving from this morally bankrupt and
>>> physically damaging path we are on, to a sustainable system that puts
>>> people before profit. Join us on Take the Squares Network
>>> https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/1010883/15m-global-strike/
>>> <https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/1010883/15m-global-strike/> . and please
>>> pass
>>> around to friends
>>> and colleagues.
>>> ______________________________________________
>>> n-1 working group:
>>> https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
>>> <https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/>
>>> Squares mailing list
>>> Squares at lists.takethesquare.net
>>> <mailto:Squares at lists.takethesquare.net>
>>> for unsubscribe/etc:
>>> https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares
>>> <https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares>  or
>>> Squares-owner at lists.takethesquare.net
>>> <mailto:Squares-owner at lists.takethesquare.net>
>>   --
>> Friendly reminder: please keep these mailing list discussions to a
>> minimum as
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>> individuals directly, or use the Occupy London forum at
>> occupylondon . info
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> -- 
> Friendly reminder: please keep these mailing list discussions to a minimum
> as they reach a lot of people. Instead you can email working groups and
> individuals directly, or use the Occupy London forum at
> http://www.occupylondon.info/
> You receive this email as a member of the Occupy London Groupspace
> <http://groupspaces.com/OccupyLondon/>. Manage your group membership
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