[OccupyComms] [OccupySheffieldPrivate] Article on Julian Assange Case & U.S Human Rights!

Cristina Maza crismaza12 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 22 16:10:52 GMT 2012

Wasn´t necessarily meant to be a call for those in Occupy to get involved, but since he is staying at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, I just thought some people from Occupy London might be interested. It is a question of freedom of information, which affects all of us.
If anyone is interested in going down to the embassy (in a non-official, as in not representing Occupy-capacity) email me! 

--- El vie, 22/6/12, Mary Charlie Hallam <mary.c.hallam at gmail.com> escribió:

De: Mary Charlie Hallam <mary.c.hallam at gmail.com>
Asunto: Re: [OccupySheffieldPrivate] [OccupyComms] Article on Julian Assange Case & U.S Human Rights!
Para: "Cristina Maza" <crismaza12 at yahoo.com>
CC: "Matt Lutton" <luttonm at gmail.com>, maza28 at gmail.com, "Melissa CS house" <mjs21 at hotmail.co.uk>, "Mendora Ogbogbo" <Mendora.Ogbogbo at parli-training.co.uk>, "Menno Weis" <thijsvannimwegen at gmail.com>, mennoweijs at gmail.com, "Michael Honeycutt" <michaelhoneycutt1 at gmail.com>, "Michael House" <kamal.sharma1 at baml.com>, "mika jones" <jones.mika at gmail.com>, "Mika Jones" <mikamaejones at gmail.com>, "milan pesic" <milanccce at yahoo.com>, milena.celic at gmail.com, "miles brouard" <miles.b at mail.com>, "Mladen Stankovic" <stankovic.mladen at hotmail.com>, myriam_soler85 at hotmail.com, "Nastasja Vojvodic" <nastasja.vojvodic.11 at ucl.ac.uk>, "Natalie Pink" <natjo211 at googlemail.com>, "Natalie Pink" <natjo211 at gmail.com>, "Naxo CS house 2" <nacheitdverdad at hotmail.com>, "Nebojsa Novkovic" <nebojsanov at yahoo.com>, "Nebojsa Kitanovic" <nebojsakitanovic at gmail.com>, "Nikki Miller" <nikki_mmiller at yahoo.com>, "Niklas Albin Svensson" <niklas at niklas.co.uk>, "Niklas Albin Svensson"
 <niklasalbin at gmail.com>, "Nikola Supersrbin" <nradenkovic at hotmail.com>, nkarkabi at gmail.com, normal.no.teatro at gmail.com, nowonenature at gmail.com, occupycomms at email-lists.org, "Okupy" <saveleytonmarsh at hotmail.co.uk>, "omar alejandro ruiz alfaro" <omar_alefaro at hotmail.com>, "omjp group" <olympiansforpeace at lists.riseup.net>, "pablo sanz" <blerasanz at yahoo.es>, pana at earthfirstjournal.org, "paul hardy" <paulhardy99 at yahoo.com>, "Paula" <sinestesiamemata at hotmail.com>, "Paula C" <malongane at hotmail.com>, pauluciopuig at hotmail.com, "Peke Cveke" <alexxandra.cvetkovic at gmail.com>, pep_carles at hotmail.com, "Petar Petrov" <ishi at abv.bg>, "Pilar" <p.aguadogil at gmail.com>, "Politics and Spirit Network" <politicsandspiritnetwork at yahoogroups.com>, "Priscilla Ochoa" <pri.ochoa at gmail.com>, "rabit miftari" <rabit.miftari at gmail.com>, "Rachel Sniadajewski" <rachelsni at yahoo.com>, "RADA DANIELL" <rada.daniell at btinternet.com>, "Radim" <radim.radim at gmail.com>, "Rafael Maranon"
 <rmaranon at mit.edu>
Fecha: viernes, 22 de junio, 2012 18:03

Woah, wait, what? What does the prosecution and legal status of one individual have to do with the global mission of Occupy? Assange is not Wikileaks embodied. Let's not waste our time and energy on one person when we have far more urgent tasks. 

For example, this week there has been a renewed focus in the UK media on tax due to a number of celebrities having their tax affairs aired in public. Our time would be much better spent focussing and publicising on this issue which could have much wider implications. 

This strategy also has the advantage of not supporting a possible rapist, which is surely awkward to do whilst remaining compliant with the safer spaces policy all UK Occupy camps adopted at the Edinburgh conference in December. 

Sorry for the rant guys, but I feel that this is a diversion from the mission of Occupy, and could make us an unsafe space.

On 22 June 2012 16:37, Cristina Maza <crismaza12 at yahoo.com> wrote:

I´m sure many of you are aware that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is hiding in the embassy of Ecuador here in London! 
Please share this article & lets hope Ecuador grants his petition for asylum as soon as possible! 



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