[OccupyComms] Fwd: [Squares] 16J DEMOSTRATION!!!!!!!!!!

Mark Barrett marknbarrett at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 11 23:15:53 GMT 2012

*forwarded from Squares Int list


In recent years, we have probed various aspects of daily life and
institutions around us, from the policies of social cuts and the economy,
the increasing number of unemployed (about 6 million in Spain and 24.235
million in Europe) , the injection of public money to rescue private banks,
while they shoul rescue the people. They privatize education, health, water
and the mass media, applying in turn constant censorship and repression in
both the media and internet.
All these extreme austerity measures imposed from abroad, are being
implemented under reformist outlook, but on ultimately radical restriction
of the civil rights of citizenship and directly attack the welfare state
and the liberties of the people of Europe.

And we've discovered, as in "shock theory" is being implemented in Europe
certain austerity measures that force people to sell its gold, and its
lands. All these goods are purchased by the world oligarchy, which benefits
greatly from the collapse premeditated, the economy of the particular
chosen countries.

We live in a "Democratura". There is no right, under the concept of
"democracy", the subjugation of free people to political-economic laws that
reduce their rights and well being state and being exploited at work. We
live under the yoke of a dictatorship Financial, based on usury, who
profits from the misfortunes of the world's population, killing their human
rights. We are enslaved under a "Democratura": a Financial
Dictatorship disguised
of Democracy.

For countries outside the CEE, the entry into this organization, was to
loose the key of their freedom. Or what is the same, the loss of our
monetary sovereignty, which allowed us to print money to go out of the
crisis. Like the Maastricht Treaty, which obliges signatory countries,
through art. 104, to pay  higher interests debt to the European Central
Bank,that we paid to our own National Central Bank.

The technique of global takeover by the big financial debt rating agencies,
insurers and governments involved, is the debt of the countries chosen as a
scapegoat in their secret meetings like Bilderberg Club or Club Rome among
others, by implementing the methods we have seen used in Greece and
gradually being implemented in Spain.

This economic-financial war where blood still does not water the streets,
but where human suffering begins to look in the faces of the evicted
families and those unable to survive, like in countries such as Greece,
Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain.

Therefore, and in solidarity with the Greek people because it was the first
to suffer the crisis, we invite you to participate in this
demonstration of 16June,
at 19h, from Cuatro Caminos to Torres Kio,   in preparation for the future
that we consider necessary INTERNATIONAL GENERAL STRIKE , which requires
the "non-payment of European debt "to be hateful, changing the root of the
current Financial Economic System and the end of the austerity policies.

We encourage all workers stop the letal machine called Capitalist System by
an International General Strike, which will take place in the first weeks
of September, coinciding with the strike of Education.

¡Hasta la Victoria!


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