[OccupyComms] Occupy Bristol Facebook Page

Standing Stone standingstonesblog at hotmail.co.uk
Sat Dec 24 10:37:13 GMT 2011

Occupy Bristol's Facebook page has been taken over by someone who claims to have deleted all of the other admins and is now using it as a soapbox to air their own socialist agenda. While I feel he/she may have a few valid points, I do not think that the majority of their posts represents the people still staying at the camp (I was there yesterday), and feel that they should either contribute as an individual to a wider discussion or start their own movement. I don't know who it is, but it anyone reads this and knows who it is, I would suggest that you may want to speak to them. Several of the posts could be seen as highly abusive and I do not feel that they represent the Occupy Movement.

Standing Stone
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