[OccupyComms] Occupy UK Film idea

Buth Vanessa Ms (PSI) V.Buth at uea.ac.uk
Mon Dec 12 15:44:27 GMT 2011

Hi Jon,

Great idea. I think a closed facebook group would also be a good place for discussion, a mailing list could potentially be flooding people's inboxes, depending on how many participate.

Can I suggest the Muse - Resistance album as possible (part of the) soundtrack? It seems to have been written for occupy. In particular the Uprising: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYRGjMSUoU8

I'll forward your email to our group. Hope you get lots of support! 



>-----Original Message-----
>From: OccupyBrighton-Info [mailto:info at occupybrighton.co.uk]
>Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 3:28 PM
>To: occupycomms at email-lists.org
>Cc: Occupy Brghton media
>Subject: [OccupyComms] Occupy UK Film idea
>Hello all,
>I am trying to set up a collaborative film project with the aim of
>creating a documentary about the Occupy movement in the UK.
>Below you will find links to an outline of how I see the film being
>structured, which of course is open to discussion and change. In fact
>the aim is to make it representative of the movement as a whole within
>this country and the more input the better.
>There are two reasons I think this will be a useful tool in our campaign
>to make things better.
>1) It is a point of focus which will help us get to an end point and
>discussing/researching the film content will help pull ideas and refine
>2) When finished it will be a great promotional tool along with a great
>way of presenting what we stand for to the general public.
>My initial idea was to have an 'Occupy Cinema' day where we get local
>cinemas to show a collection of films that have covered some of the
>issues. Like "The Corporation", "Who killed the electric car" from the
>docu/film side along with some of the great mini-series that have been
>on BBC/C4 recently. Finishing off with the main feature, this film.
>It could also be a money spinner to bring in cash to help better fund
>the organization as a whole.
>I'm happy to lead the project, at least until someone more capable is
>found. My main strengths are editing/grading and post production stuff.
>So what do you think, anyone up for it? If so maybe we should set up a
>mailing list somewhere.
>Editable version
>Read Only version
>Feel free to forward this to anyone else who might be interested.
>Jon from Brighton, though this idea is just from me and not on the
>behalf of the Occupy Brighton group.
>OccupyComms mailing list
>OccupyComms at email-lists.org

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