[esocialaction] FW: Bridging the Global Digital Divides

Dearden, Andrew M A.M.Dearden at shu.ac.uk
Thu Oct 13 18:07:32 BST 2005

Forgive me if everyone who might be interested has already seen this. It's primarily a call for people based in Britain working
with ICT and the global divide, but not necessarily in academia - I've just checked. Deadline in a couple of weeks...

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Blackwell [mailto:Alan.Blackwell at cl.cam.ac.uk] 
To: Ann Light
Cc: Alan.Blackwell at cl.cam.ac.uk
Subject: Bridging the Global Digital Divides

Dear Ann, 

This programme has now been announced, and is open to applications. I'm trying to encourage innovative research approaches, moving
beyond common assumptions (for example that GNU/Linux and high-volume commodity hardware manufacture are a sufficient technical
solution). We are particularly keen to receive applications from teams that have a good technical focus, while also including
avenues for collaboration with end-users, commercial companies, public agencies, policy researchers, NGOs, or voluntary

The call for participants is available as a Word/PDF document entitled "IDEAS Factory: Bridging the Global Digital Divide", and
can be obtained from the EPSRC web site:


( also http://tinyurl.com/9rouc )

I hope that you will consider applying to participate, in collaboration with academic colleagues in the UK if appropriate.

Alan Blackwell           Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/afb21/       Phone: +44 (0) 1223 334418

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