[Cash-outreach-engagement-circle] diversity, equality, access and inclusion

Herta Gatter herta.g at ldn.cash
Mon May 22 16:11:36 BST 2023

Hi there,

Apologies for the late response, our Outreach and Engagement circle had a discussion about your request and we have begun compiling some resources that might be useful to you. It is great to see the efforts you are putting into this, and we would love to hear more about why you are interested in making important changes to Nettleton’s practices and policies.

As you said, we unfortunately had to cancel one workshop but we are in the process of defining a series of workshops on a variety of issues that co-ops need to consider including but are not limited to unconscious bias, race, gender, LGBTQ issues, neurodiversity. These are some of the issues we feel are (particularly) important when tackling EDI. 

Following the more general EDI training, we are hoping to facilitate a workshop with different co-ops to brainstorm together how to create policies and practices for allocations which encourage affirmative action towards diversity and inclusion, as you mentioned in the beginning of your email.

Diversity training is a step in the right direction while thinking on the specific details of allocations policies and the grading interview/application forms need to also be thought about, reviewed and issues identified. We know this is a long term process, which will need a lot of work from all of us and cannot be solved in a day. 

We are reaching out to different co-ops to see if we could collectively fund this training for all of us. Is this something you would be potentially interested in joining?


For now we have included a few resources below that we have found helpful. 

https://www.housingdiversitynetwork.co.uk/ -  “social enterprise that aims to inspire and empower people, promoting equality, diversity and opportunity for all”

An interesting report by HDN: http://www.housingdiversitynetwork.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/HDN-Diversity-and-Inclusion-Thinkpiece.pdf

https://www.doitnownow.com/ - offering workshops/ training regarding racial inequity issues

https://lgbt.foundation/ - org who offers advice and training on LGBTQ+ issues (as well as support to members of the lgbtq+ community)

https://www.chp.edu/-/media/chp/about-us/documents -  <https://www.chp.edu/-/media/chp/about-us/documents>UPMC Center for engagement Unconscious Bias guide

There is an example of ‘points’ guidance here: https://scotland.shelter.org.uk/professional_resources/legal/accessing_accommodation/allocation_of_housing/allocation_policies#title-1

Oxfam Inclusive Language Guide: https://policy-practice.oxfam.org/resources/inclusive-language-guide-621487/ 

Shelter’s explanation of the need for publishing allocation rules: https://scotland.shelter.org.uk/professional_resources/legal/accessing_accommodation/allocation_of_housing/duty_to_publish_allocation_rules

We have also started compiling allocations procedures and policies from other co-ops, currently awaiting Deptford and Three Boroughs, in our public Resources folder. The HCLT Allocations Policy shows their scoring table. Please feel free to add these as well, if you find anything interesting:


Once you have had a look at the resources, if you would like to have a face to face meeting to chat through anything, please do let us know. We will get back to you with potential training options and dates in the near future. We are excited to be discussing this with you and at the prospect of a potential collaboration. 

With best wishes,


Outreach and Engagement Circle

Community Assets for Society and Housing


> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:	diversity, equality, access and inclusion
> Date:	Thu, 4 May 2023 16:21:42 +0100
> From:	NRHC Allocations <allocations at nrhc.co.uk> <mailto:allocations at nrhc.co.uk>
> To:	contact at ldn.cash <mailto:contact at ldn.cash>
> Hey,
> as an allocations officer looking at where we need to improve within allocation policies, practices and procedures regarding diversity, equality, access and inclusion, I wanted to consult you. You had a workshop coming up in the beginning of the year I wanted to participate in which was however unfortunately canceled so I ask you by email.
> We do have an Equality and Diversity Policy_2016 as part of the co-op policies. However I want to consult you specifically as to how to improve allocation looking at diversity, equality, access and inclusion. The main points I have in mind are:
> -visibility of the website, information about the co-op and how to apply
> -accessibility of the website
> -accessibility of the application process: such as the application form and the two interviews
> 1)
> We are in the process of getting our website up and running, and then check its accessibility with https://wave.webaim.org <https://wave.webaim.org/>. The aim is to make it as accessible as possible, including information on how to apply as well as the option of putting oneself onto our expression of interest list, which is the first step in our application process.
> Then we intend to have the website available at local libraries, community networks & other co-ops, sites like Lewisham council and/or their website, Deptford Library, etc and the Confederation of Housing Co-operatives or other websites about co-operative housing. Places where people who look for housing in the borough or who look up housing co-ops can find us.
> 2)
> Application information and accessibility: explaining the application process well and giving the options of emailing or calling to get the application form sent by post, or going to the office to have it printed or calling allocations for help in filling in
> 3)
> positive discrimination in the application process, for example an expression of interest list for Global Majority applicants and another expression of interest list for white applicants and making sure we have 50/50 representation in our waiting list (folder of 10 applicants), so that the demographic of our co-op represents the demographic of our council of Lewisham > do you have examples of other housing co-operatives doing so?
> 4)
> this goes beyond allocations but it also relates specifically to interview processes: organising training(s) in understanding our biases, in anti-white supremacy/anti-racism, anti-sexism and anti-ableism, or better put: to sensibilize members to deeper understandings as related to different ways of being and needs relating to sex, sexuality, gender, race, ability, class etc. > do you have examples of other housing co-operatives doing so? or trainings you would recommend?
> Thank you for sharing with us any comments or suggestions regarding our intended improvements or if there are any others you recommend.
> With best wishes
> Tania
> Christian Bower & Tania Soubry
> Nettleton Road Co-op Allocations Officers
> -- 
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