[Cash-board] Chair role

Szczepan Orlowski | CASH szczepan.o at ldn.cash
Wed Jun 28 23:17:02 BST 2023

Good evening,

Leonie, thank you for your frank and forthcoming email. Here are the 
minutes from our meeting this evening: https://cloud.ldn.cash/f/631537

We talked about your email at the meeting, I timidly suggested Abby 
could become chair since she has been very closely involved with 
different aspects of CASH for a while now and we get to a place when we 
need someone who can represent the CLT. Esra was positive about this, 
Richard offered to become treasurer. We can survive without 
vice-treasurer (not required legally), particularly since Abby said she 
can continue working with finance circle. What do people think?

In the minutes there's a couple of actions I would like to ask bring up 
here with you:

  * /Request reports from the circles./
      o This includes the board, hopefully Leonie you can write one even
        (particularly?) if you decide to step down?
      o Could board members lead in their circles on the reports and
        make sure they are uploaded here
        <https://cloud.ldn.cash/f/631551> ahead of the AGM, please?

  * /Confirm with the existing board members they want to stay on and
    with Herta that she wishes to stand again, a new expression of
    interest is required. /
      o I would be very grateful if every member of the board replies to
        this email and states they are OK with continuing.
      o Herta, we would be very grateful if you wish to continue on
        board of CASH for another 3-year term. If so, would you mind
        writing a little expression of interest with a brief summary of
        why and what you wish to achieve? There's a lot of example
        statements from the previous years, e.g. 2022
        <https://cloud.ldn.cash/f/591480>. Please upload your statement
        here <https://cloud.ldn.cash/f/631551>.

Hope this makes sense, please do not hesitate to seek clarifications!

All the very best

PS. Happy to update the meetings attendance spreadsheet by this weekend 
for O&E to reach out to people who are not actively engaging as members.

Szczepan Orlowski
*Community Assets for Society and Housing*

On 25/06/2023 1:58 pm, Leonie Weber via Cash-board wrote:
> Hi board members,
> since the AGM is the time when roles are up for grabs.
> I would like to step down as chair, if there is anybody who would like 
> to take this role on.
> Since a while I hadn't had much capacity to be involved in the regular 
> activities of CASH and I don't see this changing in the near future. I 
> feel I am occupying a role which maybe somebody else would be more 
> suited to fill, somebody who is already an active, established CASH 
> member or somebody who is new and curious.
> This said, if there is nobody who would like to take the role on, I am 
> happy to continue (as I did last year), but it will most likely be 
> just in an 'on paper' capacity, so that the role is not left vacant.
> Happy to chat with anybody who has any queries regarding or interest 
> in the role!!
> L
> -- 
> Community Assets for Society & Housing (Community Land Trust)
> www.ldn.cash <http://www.ldn.cash>
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