[SlugBug] Listing subdirectories only

Craig Andrews craig at simplyspiffing.com
Mon Jan 9 11:50:33 GMT 2006

Alan Dawson wrote:
> How do you list subdirectories only .. 

You can non-recursively list just the directories in the current 
directory like this:

find . -type d -maxdepth 1

> I'm trying to find where all the data is on a users home folder
> for i in `ls -1`; do du -shm $i ; done | sort -gr
> but it coughs on files obviously 


find . -type d -maxdepth 1 | xargs -l1 du -sm | sort -gr

works for me - files are only included if you tell it to. Remember not 
to use the -h option to du, or the sort will fail due to the 
'humanisation' of the output.

Note: on NetBSD 2.2, the -l option to xargs doesn't work, and neither 
does the -g option to sort. If any options are moaned about, then adjust 
to suit.



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