[SlugBug] Creating a common chroot environment for users

Alan Dawson aland at burngreave.net
Wed Apr 5 09:30:11 BST 2006

I'd like to creat a chroot scponly  [ http://www.sublimation.org/scponly/ ]
environment for some users.

This is ok by itself, as scponly has a nice script to do this kind of thing. 

But as all the users have exactly the same environment, do I need to have the
same libraries and files copied inside each chroot or can i just do them once
and link to them somehow inside all the individual chroot's.


Alan Dawson
"If you make decisions about software -- or anything -- based solely on
short-term cost and benefit, someone with a longer view can easily
manoeuver you into a trap from which it is hard to escape."  

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