[SlugBug] Ippimail charity webmail seeks volunteer sys admins

Gary Stimson bulk at stimson.org.uk
Thu Jan 27 21:20:09 GMT 2005

Hi Slugbuggers :-)

A friend of mine has been working for several years on an idea for webmail 
where the money from advertising goes to charity. He's now got the site up 
and running and is looking for volunteers to help sysadmin it.  If you'd like 
to get involved, he'd love to hear from you on simonmartin -at- ippimail 
-dot- com


Ippimail.com has just gone Public Beta.

Ippimail is a community based Yahoo/Gmail style email service which 
aims to raise $1million/day for charities across the world.

10% of everything we raise will be given back to the Open Source 
community. We will Open Source all our work.

The service is entirely free, income is derived from advertising. What 
makes us different is our signup questionnaire.

The signup process involves *anonymously* filling out a lengthy 
questionnaire, creating a detailed profile of each of our 
users.  Using this profile we will very precisely target banner 
advertising at our users when they view their email. This finely 
tailored advertising will naturally have a particularly high value 
which is why we anticipate raising such large sums for good causes.

When you sign up you will be able to nominate a charity or group of 
charities who will benefit from the money your use of the site will 
generate. You can support exactly the causes you care about. You can 
also change your nominated charity at any time. This means the 
Ippimail community can respond to events such as the recent Tsunami 
tragedy. In an instance such as this, we could have emailed you 
saying something like, 'As you are probably aware, a massive Tsunami 
has hit a number of countries in South East Asia. Tens of thousands 
have been killed, many made homeless, etc. How about we all change 
our nominated charities to divert funds to this disaster. ' At a 
moments notice, it can become be a bit like 'Band Aid'.

Naturally we are not about SPAM and users' details will never be 
divulged to advertisers. Having an ippimail address simply means that 
each email a user receives will represent one piece of advertising. 
Profits go to Open Source and charities.

Ippimail will forward your mail to any other address so if you are 
wedded to the Gmail interface you can still use an ippimail address 
and help raise money for good causes. A text ad will be injected into 
your forwarded email should you chose this option.

We need the help of the Open Source community. We hope you will see 
this as a project in its own right. Help us develop the service. Not 
only is this an opportunity to create a properly funded 'Best of 
Breed' but it's an opportunity to evangelise Open Source (and open 
standards) to a group of people who may otherwise never have come 
across it, the general public.

Join our project. We need the best, the OS community.



Simon Martin
London Uk

simonmartin -at- ippimail -dot- com

(Get a free email address at http://www.ippimail.com and support your 
favorite charity without it costing you a penny. Email for the good 

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