[SlugBug] o'reilly books discount

Bill Best bill at commedia.org.uk
Wed Mar 24 12:16:03 GMT 2004

ishikodzume at beneath.plus.com wrote:

 >bill best wrote:

>>AFAIK SlugBug has no such deal in place so i'd like to ask this
>>group if this is something that we would like to run with?
> Oooooh. Maybe i'm a bit late here, but yes this would be very nice
> ^____^

no, you're not late - i'm still canvassing opinion.

>>account number quoted when ordering books from O'Reilly
> Directly from their website, i presume?

i dunno - i can ask this.  keep those queries coming.

> Ah, i've always been looking
> on Amazon and such when i've been shopping for things like that.

it would be good to have the option of seeing what o'reilly can come up 
with but occasionally some places, such as Amazon, might have a better deal.

> Hmm, now to go and see if they have any good books on IPv6...

good luck!


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