[SlugBug] Linux Support companies

Alan Dawson aland at burngreave.net
Thu Jun 17 20:03:11 BST 2004


As part of OSS advocacy at work, I need to be able to provide examples of
places where we can get external support on our OSS based systems, should
the need arise.

Is there a list anywhere of IT services companies that support OSS software?

Or if there is anybody working as IT support consultancy in the South
Yorkshire and supports OSS software please feel free to email (on or off
list) my you business details and examples of the support you can provide
(say MySQL, Firewalls, Samba, etc ...).  

Please note.. this is not a request for consultancy or services, but an
information gathering exercise for organisations who could provide
consultancy / services


"The long revolution is creating small federated microsocieties, true guerilla 

 cells practising and fighting for this self-management. Effective radicality  
 authorises all variations and guarantees every freedom. "  

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