[SlugBug] Maybe OT... colo and 1U server recommendations?

Neil McGovern maulkin at halon.org.uk
Fri Dec 17 10:16:53 GMT 2004

On Fri, Dec 17, 2004 at 09:34:05AM +0000, Minase wrote:
> > Couldn't recommend more strongly. Brilliant people, and a wonderful
> > service. *Really* clued up.
> I'm glad to hear a recommendation like that, good reassurance that
> they're good people to go with.
[ed: BlackCat Networks]
> I'm still trying to decide whether or not i would risk HEX (which i
> found out they're in). Worth it?

Just spoken to Johnathon (one of the owners) and he had this to say:
10:10 < Maulkin> They want to know if HEX's power issues are sorted yet.
10:10 < Maulkin> Any idea?
10:11 <@Noodles> No, not really. :( I know the last outage was because
they were doing some of the work to get it sorted.
10:11 < Maulkin> Or is it a case of "They say so, but they said that
last time too" :)
10:11 <@Noodles> And the last time I was there they were running lots of
new beefy cables it seemed.
10:11 <@Noodles> So work is definitely happening.

ie: It's getting better.
To be honest though, last time HEX through a hissy fit, the actual boxes
with BCN didn't go down, it was mroe LYNX that had issues IIRC.

A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q. Why is top posting bad?
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