[SlugBug] dial on demand with wvdial/pppd

Mr. Adam ALLEN adam at dynamicinteraction.co.uk
Thu Aug 7 00:57:46 BST 2003

I've been playing with dial-on demand, and a few things aren't working-
but I'm asking for help now, before I run up a big phone bill trying out
different options. 

What isn't working.
 - The idle time (Doing a tcpdump on both ppp interfaces while dialed-up
shows no traffic for 3/4 minutes)
 - The active-filter option (I've tried active-filter, active-filter-out
but each time it complains that it is an unrecognised option).

I've pretty much tried to cobble this together (I'm against diald since
it doesn't compile). But would appreciate any pointers from those who
remember the dial-up days (or are still stuck in them). This is redhat9

idle 20
#active-filter-out 'tcp dst port 20 or tcp dst port 21 or tcp dst port 22 or tcp
dst port 23 or tcp dst port 25 or tcp dst port 443 or tcp dst port 110 or tcp
dst port 80'

#! /bin/sh
 /usr/sbin/pppd -detach lock asyncmap 00000000 \
 debug /dev/modem 57600 \
 noauth persist demand logfd 6 idle 20\
 connect "/usr/bin/wvdial" \
 logfile /var/log/pppd.log \

Adam Allen.

adam at dynamicinteraction.co.uk
pgp http://search.keyserver.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=adam%40dynamicinteraction.co.uk

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