[sheffield-coops] Fwd: [info at cooperatives-yh.coop: [Monthly e-newsletter] Co-operative Fortnight News Special]

Chris Croome chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Wed Jun 20 22:48:51 GMT 2012


Passing on from Co-operatives YH.

All the best


----- Forwarded message from Co-operatives YH <info at cooperatives-yh.coop> -----

From: "Co-operatives YH" <info at cooperatives-yh.coop>
Date: 20 Jun 2012 23:40:45 +0100
To: chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Subject: [Monthly e-newsletter] Co-operative Fortnight News Special

Monthly e-newsletter: Co-operative Fortnight News Special
*Co-operative and Social Enteprise Summer School - Special Co-operatives  
Fortnight Discount*

Co-operatives Yorkshire and the Humber in partnership with Sheffield Business  
School present a short course exploring the social and economic contribution  
of co-operatives and social enterprises. The course provides participants  
with an opportunity to develop their knowledge about the rationale, purposes  
and practices of co-operatives.

The two-day taught element is a combination of lectures, discussions and  
debates. The third day is organised as an Open Space event (bookable  
separately). All participants receive a copy of the book Understanding Social  
Enterprise: Theory and Practice, plus lecture slides, course CD, refreshments  
and lunches.

During Co-operatives Fortnight a special limited discount for the first 5  
bookings will receive a discounted rate of £245 which is £100 off the  
standard rate. To apply please email alex at cooperatives-yh.coop  
mailto:alex at cooperatives-yh.coop

For details and to book visit http://sheffieldsummerschool.eventbrite.com/  

For a brochure click here http://www.seyh.org.uk/images/PDF.pdf

*Futures North  - 10 places still available*

Co-operatives Yorkshire and the Humber are organising Futures North  
Conference which is going to be held in Sheffield Business School on Saturday  
23rd June.

The event marks the start of Co-operatives Fortnight in the International  
Year of the Co-operatives and the theme will be ‘Communities, Trading,  
Capital and Investment’.

The conference will feature speakers, panel debates, workshops, open space  
debates and an exhibition area.

Speakers include Helen Milner CEO, UK Online Centres; Neil Berry, Head of  
Enterprise Locality; Barbara Hawkins, Co-operative Group North Region Board;  
Paul Schofield, Cabinet Office

the booking site is here http://futuresnorth12.eventbrite.com/  

*Co-operate Application*

New mobile app to help you find co-operative and ethical businesses.

Co-operate is the UK’s first mobile app to make it easy to find a  
co-operative for all your needs.

Whether its food or phones, electricity or banking, Co-operate allows you to  
search for over 11,000 local and online ethical providers across the country.

Download the app for Android, iPhone and iPad here: www.uk.coop/co-operate  

*Co-operative Councils Open Space Event*

Many Local Authorities are trying to become more co-operative in ethos and  
outlook. They are trying to get more Social Enterprises and Co-operatives  
supplying services. Many different organisations are trying to quantify this  
nascent concept. This day gives an opportunity for co-operatives and social  
enterprises working with local authorities, researchers active in the field  
of co-operative and social enterprise education and research, and councillors  
and officers who want to create 'co-operative councils' that create social  

The event is run jointly by SEYH, CYH and Sheffield Hallam University.

It takes place at Sheffield Business School on the 26th July and is on a pay  
what you can afford basis.

You can book here - http://coopcouncilsopenspace.eventbrite.com/  

*The Men of Rochdale*

This year the Co-operative Group will be telling the amazing story of the  
birth of the modern co-operative movement through a new 52-minute feature  
film which will bring the spirit of the 'Rochdale Pioneers' into the new  
millennium. The film is being made by The Co-operative British Youth Film  
Academy and is based on the inspiring story of how a group of locals realised  
the power they had in working together, making it possible for a set of  
simple ideas to transform into a powerful global force.

The story is set in 1844 when a group of working-class people from the town  
of Rochdale came together to change the unfair society they were living in.  
Fed up with dishonest and corrupt shopkeepers selling poor quality products  
at high prices they decide to take matters into their own hands. By pooling  
the few resources they have, the group manage to get enough money together to  
open their own shop and pledge to only sell quality, unadulterated products,  
sharing the profits fairly with their customers. The shop is only small and  
stocks just a handful of products like butter, flour and sugar, but the idea  
itself is revolutionary and the way they do business fundamentally different  
in its nature.

For more details go  
to http://www.co-operative.coop/2012/latest-news/making-history/the-men-of-rochdale/  

*Co-operatives Yorkshire and the Humber has moved*

Our new address is:
Ebor Court
Skinner St
Tel: 0113 373 1762

*Co-operatives Yorkshire and the Humber Enhanced Benefits Package*

Join our enhanced scheme for a number of new benefits including a free place  
at Futures North 2011. The package is being delivered jointly with Social  
Enterprise Yorkshire and the Humber and includes benefits such as membership  
of a business club for social enterprises and co-operatives and inclusion on  
a marketplace e-directory.

The package starts at just £25 for small co-operatives and full details can  
be downloaded here  

*The Phone Co-op Affinity Scheme*

CYH have an affinity scheme with The Phone Co-op. Any individual or  
organisation can join so If you're considering joining the The Phone Co-op  
there are several benefits you can receive by quoting our affinity number  
AF0461- details are available here  

If you are not a member but wish to be membership of Co-operatives Yorkshire  
and the Humber is free and open to all organisations who support co-operative  
values and principles. A membership form can be obtained by downloading a  
form from here http://cooperatives-yh.coop/about-co-operatives-yh


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